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When A Good Man Falls

When A Good Man Falls

How To Get Up And Going Again...Learning From The Bible's Not-So-Perfect Saints

  • Author: Erwin W. Lutzer
  • Format: Paperback Book

Price: $14.00

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  • Paperback

Sin has a way of tripping the best of people, even to the extent that a comeback seems impossible. But in When A Good Man Falls, Erwin Lutzer shows us how a Christian can again become effective even after falling into the so-called worst of sins. By examining the lives of some of the greatest men of the Bible, including Moses and David, Pastor Lutzer focuses on God’s great love and how He opens His arms wide to any erring child who takes a fall in their walk with Him.

Discover how to make a comeback—or how to help a loved one recover from seeming ruin.

Number of Pages: 
Date Published: 
December 15, 2021


  1. Life In The Penalty Box (Moses)
  2. What One Man Learned Outside The Will Of God (Jonah)
  3. The High Cost Of Opportunism (Lot)
  4. The Snare Of Alcoholism (Noah)
  5. The Self-Deception Of Success (Gideon)
  6. The Hidden Cost Of Sensuality (Samson)
  7. The Failure Of Compromise (Asa)
  8. In Love With The World (Demas)
  9. Trapped By The Perks Of Power (Solomon)
  10. The Blight Of Cowardice (Peter)
  11. Dying With Regrets (David)
  12. Finding The Gate To Hell Next To The Door To Heaven (Judas)
  13. Restoring The Fallen