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The Inheritance Of The Redeemed

The Inheritance Of The Redeemed

Claiming The Spiritual Treasures That Are Yours In Christ

  • Author: Erwin W. Lutzer
  • Format: Paperback Book

Price: $14.00

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  • CD Series

When you accept Christ as your Savior, you enter into a special family, and have an inheritance to be enjoyed now, and even more so in the future. To put it simply: God has lavished upon you the wealth of heaven.

God’s resources bring victory over discouragement, temptation, and worry. Pastor Lutzer has searched the Bible to find our spiritual treasures, “The Holy Spirit is ready and willing to empower any believer, removing the obstacles to spiritual growth so you can begin each day with faith in His presence and ministry.”

You’ll discover:

• Your invaluable adoption in Christ
• Your spiritual empowerment by the Holy Spirit
• Your immediate access to God’s throne room
• Many other gifts, which are yours at this very moment

Be amazed all over again. You’re richer than you think!

Read an excerpt.

Number of Pages: 
Date Published: 
June 13, 2023
Original Sermon Series: 
The Inheritance Of The Redeemed


  1. Becoming Who You Are
  2. You Are Part Of An Eternal Plan: Election
  3. You Are Declared Righteous: Justification
  4. You Live In The Presence Of God: Access
  5. You Have A New Family: Sonship
  6. You Have Spiritual Power: The Holy Spirit
  7. You Are A Precious Possession: God's Inheritance
  8. You Serve A New Master: Identification With Christ
  9. You Are Victorious Over Satan: Authority
  10. You Are Free From The Law: Grace
  11. You Have Citizenship In Heaven: Glorification
  12. How Then Should We Live?