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Jonah Series

The Missing Missionary

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | April 2, 1978

Selected highlights from this sermon

When God called Jonah to go and witness to the people of Nineveh, he tried to resign his duties as a prophet and run. Jonah didn’t fulfill his purpose because he rebelled against God’s will for him. Because of that, Jonah was missing the privilege of fulfilling everything God has made him to be and the blessings that come with that fulfillment. 

When we don’t obey the will of God, we are ones that get hurt the most.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Jonah was trying to resign from his duties as a prophet.

This book is not about Nineveh. It’s about Jonah and God.

The worker is more important than the work.

Jonah needed Nineveh as much as Nineveh needed Jonah.

When God calls us to do something, He calls us because of what others need from us AND for what we need from others.

We can only be fulfilled in the will of God.

Jonah did not fulfill himself because he rebelled against the will of God.

When we don’t obey the will of God, we are hurt the most.

Jonah did not fulfill his purpose in four areas of his life:

-       He was a creature in God’s creation

  • All of creation fits into God’s plan.
  • Creation obeys God because that is the only way it can fulfill its purpose.
  • Creation’s purpose is to give. If creation stopped giving, we would stop living.
  • Jonah was a creature in God’s world, but he was selfish and stopped giving. 

-       He was a man in God’s image

  • As a human being we share the common burdens of humans all over the world.
  • Whenever a believer is outside of the will of God he gets unbelievers into trouble.
  • Jonah was unconcerned with the suffering of others.

-       He was a Hebrew in God’s covenant

  • God chooses us that He may use us.
  • Jonah had been set apart to be a blessing to the Gentiles, but instead he was asleep and causing trouble.

-       He was a prophet in God’s service.

  • How many times have people been in trouble because we didn’t witness?
  • Because Jonah didn’t listen, God had to get Jonah’s attention in other ways.

Jonah was missing the privilege of fulfilling everything God has made him to be.

If you’re missing the will of God you are also missing the blessing of God.

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