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The Invisible War

The Shoes Of Peace

Erwin W. Lutzer | August 24, 2008

Selected highlights from this sermon

Everyone wants peace. But Satan and his demons come to disrupt our peace. He’ll do anything to keep us from the true peace found in God.

That peace is found only through Jesus Christ—He can bring us peace between ourselves and God because He Himself is peace. And once we have peace with God, we can have peace with others and peace with ourselves.

As you know, in this series of messages we are learning that we are all in spiritual warfare, and there are none more vulnerable than those who are not aware that they are in spiritual warfare. We are up against a spiritual foe called Satan. The Bible has many names for him. One word is adversary. First Peter 5:8 says, “Your adversary walks about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” He’s against us. He’s our adversary.

Another word for him is devil, which really means slanderer. When you slander someone you are doing his work. Another name for him is Lucifer, son of the morning, the evil one, the tempter; and all of those names have meaning and they refer to the same being. Now, of course, under him there are a myriad—we don’t know how many, but perhaps tens of thousands—of spirits, his angels the Bible calls them, who do his work. Satan is not omnipresent and he can’t be in Alaska or Japan at the same time. He can only be at one place at one time, but because of his army and because of his organization, it appears as if he’s everywhere, and his evil influence is everywhere.

What is it that Satan wants to do? Well, what he would like to do is to first of all occupy our souls. That’s his first goal, and it’s called demon possession. And yes, demon possession happens today. There’s no question about it. In fact, I have spoken to people who I am completely sure were demonized. It still happens today.

If he can’t possess your soul or occupy your soul, what he would like to do is to own your soul. There are many people whom he’s not possessed but he has owned. Because they have never come to saving faith in Christ they are on his side—the devil’s side—of the dividing line. And if he cannot do that, the other thing that he uses particularly against Christians is he wants to defile your soul, because when you are defiled, your fellowship with God is cut off. Haven’t you had that experience? You are fellowshipping with God and then you see something very sensual on television or in a movie, and there’s a defilement, and there’s a cutting off of fellowship, and the devil wants that. Remember he hates the fact that we are in fellowship with God, and if he can’t defile the soul, what he wants to do is to harass us. He wants to make sure that our peace is disrupted because when our peace is disrupted we cannot live in faith. We have no joy, and life is just one terrible experience after another.

There is some indication in Scripture that when Satan fell, one-third of the angels went with him. This is based actually on Revelation 12. It says that the tail of the evil dragon swept over the heavens and he drew down one-third of the stars. Stars sometimes refer to spiritual beings and later on it talks about how Satan then assaulted Christ, or attempted to, so many theologians believe that one-third of all the angels continue to rebel against God, and will always rebel against God. They can never be redeemed for reasons I don’t have time to mention today, but two-thirds still are redeemed. The Bible calls them the elect angels, preserved from falling by divine decree.

Now can you imagine how angry Satan is? He is angry because for every tongue, or every spiritual being so to speak, that is cursing God, two are giving praise to God. But there’s something else that makes him even more angry. I’m convinced that the reason he wars against us with such fury and such unrelenting hatred is because he knows exactly what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that even though we fell into sin just like he did (Adam rebelled and we all participated in that rebellion), even though that happened to us, Satan knows something. He knows that because of the work of Jesus we shall be exalted even above the privileged position that he once had in God’s presence.

This is a longer story, but I think that one of his responsibilities was as a worship leader, to make sure that the worship of all the angels got to God, and the Bible says that he began to steal some of that adoration, and that was his fall. And now he knows that we are going to be above those angels. We are going to be above where he once was when he was the son of the morning—way above him. I’ll tell you why. It’s because angels were created individually, and because they were created individually they have no relatives. You don’t have mom and pop, and grandfathers and cousins and brothers and sisters. You don’t have that in the angelic realm. All were individually created.

We are connected in family and we are connected in God’s family. That’s part of the incarnation. That’s why the Bible says that we are sons and daughters of the Almighty. No angel could ever claim that, and then more breathtaking is that we are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus because He calls us His brothers. Wow! Way above it, and it says “He who overcomes, to him I shall grant to sit with me on my throne,” Jesus said, “even as I overcame and sat on my Father’s throne.” The devil hates the idea of us sitting next to Jesus on the throne of God with a passion, and he hates you with a passion.

Well, you say, “Why doesn’t God just do away with him? Why not just confine him to another planet? Why not exterminate him?” Well, I’m going to have a surprising answer, but I believe that the Puritans were right when they said that God allows the devil to increase the joy and the happiness of the saints, because when we overcome him there is nothing more glorious, nothing that brings God more honor, nothing that gives us an opportunity to declare our allegiance like overcoming Satan.

Now our text today is the sixth chapter of the book of Ephesians, as it was in the last two messages and will continue to be in the next three messages. We are looking at the pieces of armor that are mentioned here, given to us by God so that we can withstand the wiles of the devil—the schemes of the devil. That’s what the text actually says. I’m going to pick it up in Ephesians 6:13 where it says, “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth…” That was a message that we preached a couple of weeks ago. Last time we preached on the breastplate of righteousness, and if you weren’t here for that sermon you need it, because the breastplate of righteousness is the answer to the soul that condemns itself. It’s the answer to self-condemnation and guilt.

So we put on the breastplate of righteousness, and then today (verse 15), “and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” Now remember Paul wrote this when he was chained to Roman soldiers, because these are the prison epistles written in Rome, and Paul is there and he writes about a soldier, and he uses the analogy that is really just before him. What the Roman soldiers did is they had shoes with metal knobs, which was the ancient version of cleats so that they could stand well, and then their shoes had straps that would go all the way up to their knees to give them firm footing.

You see, you can have the breastplate of righteousness, and you can have the belt of truth, but what good is it if you cannot stand firmly? What Paul is saying is, “We have to stand firmly on the Gospel that brings peace”—the Gospel that brings peace, and we must stand there. If you’re here today as a Christian and do not have peace, you have come to the right place to hear about how you can have peace, because God wants you to have peace that is brought by the Gospel. Now everyone wants peace. The Sunday school teacher wants peace. The missionary wants peace. I want peace. Drug addicts want peace. Alcoholics want peace. Evil people want peace. You know the Bible says that the wicked are like the sea that cannot rest, whose waters churn up mire and dirt. But they want peace too, even though they leave devastation wherever they find themselves.

Everybody wants peace, but the problem is that we have certain thieves that rob us of our peace, don’t we? Thieves could be divided first of all in the inner life. I mean now we’re talking about guilt and self-hatred. We’re talking about anger and jealousy, those inner sins of the spirit that rob us of peace. But then there are other things also that rob us of peace. They are more outward—financial struggles and people. Have you ever met a person who has robbed you of peace? Aren’t they everywhere? Perhaps you’re a person that someone is thinking about right now because you have robbed somebody of peace. You are connected with people who are not heartily committed to your happiness. Have you ever met people like that? And so they rob you of peace.

Now what is the answer? It is the Gospel of peace, and when this message is over we’re going to get very specific because I want you today to leave here knowing exactly what you need to do to be at peace. All right?

Now, what is the Gospel of peace? Let’s take Ephesians, since Paul has written this in the book of Ephesians, and go back to chapter 2. Let’s look at chapter 2 where he raises the theme of peace, and this will give us some indication as to how we can stand, and how Paul expects us to stand with the shoes of peace. First of all, notice verse 13 of chapter 2 says, “But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” And I love this. Verse 14 says, “For he himself is our peace.” It’s not just that He brings it. He is it. You see, the good news of the Gospel in Romans 5:1 is, “Having been justified by faith we have peace with God.” Jesus brings peace because first of all, He is peace, and He’s the only one who can bring peace between you and God.

You see, the problem is sin makes us enemies of God, and because we’re born sinners, we are born actually enemies of God, and the question is, “How do we take care of the disconnect between us and God?” That’s the big issue, and Jesus comes to say, “I will die on the cross; I will make a sacrifice for sin, so that those who believe in me their sin will be set aside, and wiped out, so that they can be at peace with a holy God, and only Jesus can do that. Imagine coming to the end of the restlessness, the guilt, the self-condemnation, the self-hatred, because God has said, “I have forgiven you and you have peace.”

Now what if listening today—and I am sure that here in this congregation as well as radio and internet—there are people listening who have chosen a god who is different than the God of the Bible. For example, let’s suppose there are some of you here today who have read Eckhart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now for the New Earth. Let’s use that as an example, and you’ve bought into it—that God actually is impersonal, that God is within us, and we find God by going within, because there is no God without, and there is no God in whose presence we need forgiveness. We don’t need forgiveness at all unless we forgive ourselves, because God is not there to forgive us. He’s not that kind of a god. He’s pleased with everything that you do. Can you imagine the conscience of a person like that?

I mean, I read a story about a man who was seeking peace and he was into the movement, but he couldn’t find peace because he had done some terrible things, and his conscience condemned him. But his theology told him that there is no God who can declare you righteous, because God is impersonal. God is the god within you who approves of everything you do. Then he came to saving faith in Christ and then he realized, of course, what he knew intuitively, what all people know intuitively—that there is a God in heaven. He is personal, and unless He forgives your sin, no matter how much you drink, no matter how many drugs you take, you will never find peace with God apart from Jesus. He’s the only one out there who is able to do that for us.

So the first kind of peace is peace with God, but now look at the text. Verse 14 says “he himself is our peace, who has made us both one” and you’ll notice that it says there by the way that He not only makes us to have peace with God, but peace with one another. When he talks about two men becoming one, he’s talking about Jew and Gentile, and from this distance of two thousand years it’s hard for us to understand the extent to which the Jews and the Gentiles had animosity toward one another. They hated each other. The best example today might be the Jews in Israel and the Arabs—absolute hatred and distrust. And God, in Christ, brings the two together. That’s what he’s talking about.

You’ll notice in verse 16 it says, “…and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility.” Don’t you like that phrase? I mean, here’s this hostility and God comes along and kills it. What other religion is there, what other person is there who can do that? So Jesus in verse 14 is our peace, and in verse 15 He makes peace, and in verse 17 He came and He preached peace to you who were far off and to those who were near. Jesus is the quintessential peace candidate who brings us peace with God and peace with each other.

You see, if I am in fellowship with God and you’re in fellowship with God, we should be in fellowship with one another, and sometimes God brings people into our lives that are hard to get along with. You students who are here probably have roommates and you say to yourself, “Why did this happen to me?” when you get to know your roommate, and your roommate had identical thoughts except perhaps more pressing and more urgent about you. What’s God up to?

I’m speaking now to those of you who are married. There isn’t a whole lot of peace in your relationship—in your marriage. What’s God up to? Remember this: What God wants to do is to bring us together, because the purpose of marriage and the purpose of roommates who are hard to get along with is not happiness. It is holiness, and so what God does is He teaches us that we need to work at this business of peace —racially, economically, educationally, vocationally —and for those of us who believe in Jesus, peace even at great personal cost. That should be our desire.

Now, notice that that is peace with God, peace with others, and of course, as a part of this, what you have is peace with ourselves. Imagine being at peace. You know, it was said of someone that he is a cauldron—an inner cauldron of conflict. There are people like that. Some of them are what could be described as obsessive-compulsive kind of people. Many of them could be described also as evil people, who are never at peace. They are always agitated, and then there are those who are trying to deny their guilt. There are those who are trying to deny their anger. They take their emotions and they put a cap on those emotions, and they are trying to live with all matters of unresolved issues, and they find within themselves there is no peace. In fact, the Bible says (I’m just thinking of it now), “‘There is no peace for the wicked,’ says the Lord God.” That is a verse of Scripture. God says there can be no peace as long as you are not at peace with me, as long as you are not at peace with others and circumstances, and as long as you are not at peace with yourself. Are you here today and there is no peace in your heart? In a moment we’re going to find out exactly how peace can come to you.

Now it’s interesting that the Apostle Paul, using this expression which we read a moment ago, says in Ephesians 6:15, “…having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace,” and I do need to point this out. I believe that the Apostle Paul is not talking here about evangelism. That’s not his primary purpose. He’s talking about being able to stand against Satan’s assaults because, after all, that is the theme of the text, and he keeps saying stand, stand, stand, stand. I think he uses the word four or five times.
So the Apostle Paul is saying that unless we are at peace, Satan will have a heyday with us through distractions, through false means by which we are going to try to get peace, and you’ve got all kinds of it, whether it’s money or fame or anger or control or substance abuse. People are doing everything they can to say, “I want peace,” and the things that they do only increase the personal turmoil because they are not dealing with the issue.

So Paul is saying, “Understand that the Gospel is a gospel of peace.” But I like the fact that he says the “readiness” or the establishment of the gospel of peace. He seems to be drawing in the Isaiah imagery where it says, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace,” so maybe that’s what Paul has in mind. It is a gospel of peace that we have to proclaim.

So for a moment I’m going to simply comment on that. When you and I share this gospel of peace, instantly there is satanic resistance. You don’t know how much Satan hates the Gospel. The Bible says that he blinds the minds of those who believe unless the light of the glorious Gospel should shine onto them. Every time you witness to somebody there is spiritual conflict—invisible spiritual conflict.

Let me give you an example. In Mark 4 Jesus is talking about sowing in the famous parable that he told about the sower, and do you remember what Jesus said? He said that the sower goes out to sow and the seed falls everywhere on four different kinds of soils, but one of the soils is a hard path. Do you remember that? It’s a very hard path, and he says the birds of the air come and they snatch up the seed before it can even get into the ground. Then later the disciples say, “Interpret that for us, Jesus,” and Jesus says, “Well, the seed is the word of God. Obviously the soils are the hearts of men and those who have the seed fall on hard ground (those who do that), it is Satan who comes and snatches the seed so that it can’t lodge in the human heart.” Satan snatches the seed unless the heart is softened by God. Even while I am preaching today there are some of you here who are not listening. In fact, maybe there could be somebody here who intended to come here today and not listen simply because you don’t want to hear what it is that I am telling you, and there is spiritual conflict going on in you according to Jesus.

Now many of you know Don Richardson. He wrote a book entitled Peace Child. In fact, many years ago—more than thirty years ago—he actually was here at The Moody Church before I became the pastor, and I remember him speaking about this circumstance. He said they were in a very primitive tribe (he was working with almost Stone Age people) and they noticed that when the missionaries preached nobody could memorize Scripture. Nobody could remember the sermon. You asked them afterwards what the sermon was about and they had no idea. It was as if when the word went out it was just being snatched, so the missionaries gather together and they said, “We are going to bind Satan. We’re going to ask that he be forbidden to work here when we preach the word of God,” and after that people began to memorize Scripture and they began to remember what they heard, and the word of God began to fall into hearts that were being prepared by God for the truth.

Remember this: Every time you and I share, there’s an unseen spiritual being who doesn’t want the people to hear. Have you ever had the experience of witnessing to people and you explain the Gospel, why it has to be a free gift, and you go through the whole thing, and when you are finished they say something like, “Well that’s exactly what I always believed. I always believed that if I was a good person I’d get to heaven.” What in the world! It’s as if somebody over here is speaking Albanian and somebody over here is speaking English. I mean, it’s just a total disconnect. It’s spiritual warfare.

Now I promised you that I was going to help all of us, including myself, know how we can be brought to peace. I’m going to assume here at this juncture that you are someone who has come to trust Jesus Christ as your Savior, although I am not assuming that completely, because there may be many of you who have never believed on Him. Even while I am speaking today the Holy Spirit is working in your heart, by the way, and if the Spirit is working in your heart, you know who you are, don’t you? You know who you are because the Holy Spirit is here to do what no human being can do.

What I want to do now is to talk about how we can have peace. Are you ready?

All right. Number one is we must receive peace from God. Well, you say, that’s very elementary. Yes, I know. I’m beginning at the beginning here. What I mean by this is, we have to take God’s promise of peace seriously. For example, “Be anxious for nothing,” it says in Philippians, “but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving (and the thanksgiving is absolutely crucial) let your requests be made known unto God, and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will garrison your heart, and will keep your heart and mind in Jesus Christ.” You say, “Well, Pastor Lutzer, that’s not where I’m at today.” You have to begin by rehearsing these promises and know that God is promising you that peace.

Isaiah says, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace—perfect peace—whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee.” You see, there’s God’s part, but then there’s also our part. You’ll notice God says, “I make the promise but it isn’t automatic. You have to receive, and if you’re here today and you’ve never received Christ as Savior, the Bible says, as we mentioned, that He is peace, so that’s the beginning point for you. Before you can even begin to claim those promises, you have to claim the promise that you belong to God because you’ve acknowledged individually that you need Christ as Savior.

I think of the testimony of the young woman we just heard in our baptismal service. What a marvelous testimony. She, you remember, was asked to throw a New Testament away. A colleague said, “Throw this away.” She didn’t feel right about it. She took it home and began to read it and she read it until 4 or 5 in the morning and comes to saving faith in Jesus Christ. You see, that’s the way people are saved. It’s through the Word and through individual witness, and through the ministry of the Word and listening to the Gospel, but that’s where we begin.

What we must do is to seek God’s forgiveness, and the care of God because “he careth for you,” and the promises that God makes. I think, for example, of Jesus who said, “My peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you.” Could you imagine Freud saying to somebody, “My peace I give to you.” I mean what in the world? Could you imagine Buddha saying that? Could you imagine Krishna saying, “My peace I give to you, not as the world gives give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Wow! That’s coming from Jesus. That’s coming from God.

So the first thing we need to do is to receive from God. Now we get to the difficult part. What we need to do is to commit to God, and I speak here from the Word of God, but I also speak from personal experience, because there have been times in my life when I’ve not been at peace, and it’s been difficult to genuinely commit to God and to believe God. I have not always found that easy to do, and by the way that’s why you have to be here next week when we speak about the shield of faith. It says, “Above all, in all circumstances, take the shield of faith,” because if you drop the shield of faith, all of the other pieces of armor are not going to be very effective. So what we need to do is to make sure that we understand what committing something to God is all about.

You know cars nowadays are so electronically set up that they have these little things on the dashboard, that I’m always amused at, that say, “check engine.” Check engine! What do you mean check engine? What part of the engine (thank you), and if you name the part I wouldn’t be able to find it anyway. I mean, I don’t know sometimes which end of a screwdriver to pick up. Check engine though! An engine’s got lots of parts. Well, what you need to do when you have that sign, of course, is to take it into the garage, and then they hook it up with all kinds of fancy equipment, and the electronics will tell you what’s wrong.

If you’re here today and you have anxiety, that is a “check engine” sign from God. Almost certainly something is wrong, so what you need to do is to ask what is it that’s wrong, what is it that’s causing me anxiety, and that which is causing you anxiety almost certainly is something that you have refused to commit to God and leave with Him. Almost certainly that is the cause.

We have a staff member here at The Moody Church. He’s not a member of the pastoral staff, but he’s a member of our support staff, an incredibly faithful guy. He works all kinds of hours overtime and doesn’t get paid for the overtime. He’s conscientious, but he went on a vacation this summer. I think he took his cousin along, and in Australia he actually went bungee jumping and had it videoed so all of us could see it. I bought him lunch the other day. I wanted to see whether or no he was normal in other ways [laughter], and so I said to him, “Tell me, what was it like?” I mean he had not done this before, and he said, “Well, you get up there, and you check the rope, and you hope that the rope is strong. You know, I made sure that the rope that I was tied to was the one that the guys who were staying back knew which rope it was, and then I checked my ankles to make sure it was fastened good.” And then I said, “Well, what do you after that?” He said, “Well, after that what you do is you check the rope, you make sure your rope is the one they know about, and then you check to make sure that your ankles are properly fastened, and after you’ve done this a few times, then you jump.”

That’s the way in which I have often been in my Christian life. I’ve been afraid to jump. You know, you check the promises. Oh, they are there. “Casting all your care upon him for he cares for you.” You check the promises. They are there. “My peace I leave with you,” Jesus said. So all the promises are in place. So you check all of the promises, and you check all of the issues, and you go over them again and again, and you memorize them, and you know them all, and then when it comes to jumping and saying, “God, I trust you,” suddenly there’s a disconnect because there is some area of our life that we do not wholly want to give to God because we are afraid of what he might do with that area, and it might not be what we want.

Sometimes we stand there and we fear what happens if we were to jump. What if we were to make this commitment? What would God do? That’s our fear. We feel as if at times we are standing there and we’re the next person to jump when the person before us has just jumped and the rope broke and they dashed their head against the rocks below, and so we’re full of fear, and God says, “You know you’re not trusting me in that area, either because (a) you have a sin that you’re not willing to give up, or else (b) you are unwilling to commit.”

Now the best example of commitment I know is the story of Potiphar who trusted Joseph with all of his house, the Bible says, and he trusted him so much that he concerned himself not with anything that was going on in the house except the food that he ate. He said, “I’m just trusting Joseph.” That verse has just gripped me and will not let me go. Do I trust God that much? So what you need to do is to say, “Okay, God, what I need to do is to make a commitment of all the issues that trouble me. I have to give you my marriage. I have to give you my vocation. I have to give you my health. I have to sign off and commit it to you, with thanksgiving that it is in your hands, and not mine, and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your heart and mind through Jesus Christ.

It’s difficult to do. I’ve wrestled with having to do it, but when we do it, God comes through, and at last we are at peace. What is there in your life today? Is there a sin that you’ve not dealt with, or an issue that you’ve kept to yourself that you’ve not given to God? What is it? Is it your past? Is it your future? Have you said, “God, I am going to trust you totally. Here it is.”

Finally, what we have to do is to accept things from God. You see, the peace that I’m talking about is not a peace that is always dry-eyed. It’s a peace that sometimes is mingled with tears when we go through tragedies in life. It’s not a plastic peace that I’m talking about where in tranquility you deny everything that’s going on around you and just pretend, like a zombie, that everything is fine, when in point of fact, it isn’t. It’s not that kind of peace. It is a peace that is compatible with a funeral. It’s a peace that’s compatible with the tears and the heartache of a broken marriage.

Does the name Horatio Spafford mean anything to you? He was a wealthy attorney here in Chicago in the 1800s. Spafford not only was an attorney but he had holdings in real estate. When the Great Chicago Fire came in 1871 Spafford lost a lot of what he owned because his buildings went up in flames. That was a trial but it was nothing like the trial he was about to endure. By the way, he became a friend of D.L. Moody and helped Moody financially with some of his wealth.

Two years after the fire he decided that he would go to England with his family and establish his four daughters in a school there because the schools in Chicago had not yet been rebuilt and he wanted them to go to school, but as he was about to leave, a business matter came up that prevented him from going, but he sent his wife, Anna, and his four daughters to England, and he himself stayed back, intending to go on another ship. They were on the Ville Du Havre ship that, en route to England, hit an English vessel. All four of his daughters drowned. His wife was found semi-conscious, clinging onto a piece of wood, so she was rescued. When she got to England she sent back a telegram that basically said, “Saved alone.” The girls (little Tanetta, Maggie, Annie and Bessie) are dead. All four of our daughters are gone, drowned. How do you like that for tragedy and tears and loneliness and tons of unanswered questions?

It’s just like you and me. We have unanswered questions that just don’t make sense, but out of the depths and the crucible of that experience he wrote these words:

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows, like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,
“It is well, it is well with my soul.”

And then the second stanza says:

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And has shed his own blood for my soul.

Why could Spafford write something like that in the wake of a horrendous personal tragedy? It’s because he had a bigger problem actually that God solved for him. His problem that God solved for him was much bigger than even the life or death of his family. What does the third stanza say?

My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought,
My sin, not in part but the whole
Is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more.
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh my soul.

Paul says, “We’re in spiritual warfare. Satan does buffet. Doubts do come. Peace is difficult to receive because of our own rebellion and lack of faith, but stand with your shoes planted and accept those assaults, knowing that we have the armor to do it.”

Let’s pray.

Father, I’m praying today for all those who came here to church today without peace. I’m praying for the person who doesn’t know Jesus Christ as Savior. He or she does not have peace. Show them today that peace is found in Jesus if they receive Him. I pray today for Christians who are going through turmoil, the likes of which many of us have never experienced, and they find no peace—no peace about their past, no peace about their future. Today, Father, may we see you as the God of peace, and we quote the words of Romans 16:20, “The God of peace shall crush Satan under your feet shortly.” Do that we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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