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Resources About Spiritual Gifts

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Information about spiritual gifts.


The Lord's Call

“The Lord called Samuel.” It is easy to understand that this was not a voice which others could hear or Eli could have heard it. The voice was very clear indeed to Samuel; Samuel was sure that some one had called him. This Scripture should show us that while others may be used of the Lord in clearing up our call and proving to us that it is the Lord and not man that is calling, yet the call must be heard by the one called and by him alone. How foolish we are when we expect others to understand … Read More >


The Meaning Of Membership

One of the chief concerns among Christians today is renewal in the church. We are seeing a new emphasis on the Holy Spirit and on spiritual gifts. Of course, there are some extremes and excesses; but there are also some genuine works going on to the glory of God. The New Testament churches were characterized by excitement and fulfillment. As you read the Book of Acts, for example, you meet men and women who were excited about their faith, sharing it with others, and experiencing a real fulfillment in their own lives. This is because the early church knew … Read More >
