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Resources About Prayer

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Information on how to pray, why it's important to pray, and how to improve our fellowship with God through prayer.


The High Cost Of Unbelief

Sin is the most expensive thing in the universe; whether pardoned or unpardoned nothing is as costly. If you’re not a Christian, the cost of sin is so high that you will never pay the debt. Throughout all eternity you will never be able to make a final payment. If you’re a Christian, the payment for your sin falls on the sin-bearer Jesus Christ. But even so, the sins that we commit in this life have consequences. If I murder someone, I must pay the debt even if I have been forgiven by God. Which sin has the severest consequences? … Read More >


The Potency Of Prayer

Address delivered at the Missionary Rally at The Moody Church in April 1923 by Dr. Howard Taylor. Before reading the Scripture, I should like to mention a fact that may possibly be unknown to some who are present. That beloved and wonderful man of God, the late D.L. Moody, was the one to support the first American member of the China Inland Mission who went out from Northfield in 1888. It is, therefore, a special privilege to me to meet this great gathering in this church founded by and named after that mighty man of God. Let us now read … Read More >


Toward Spiritual Maturity

A series by Pastor Alan Redpath given over the course of 1958. Part 1: Some Practical Hints on the Quiet Time (January 1958: The Moody Church News, Volume 43 Number 01) We all know, theoretically at least, that the Christian life can only grow as it cultivates the habit of prayer, and that prayer must be regular and disciplined if it is to be vital. That is why it is that such importance is placed on the “Quiet Time” by all who know the secret of growth in Christ. I want, in a short series of articles on this subject, … Read More >


A Lesson On Prayer

Sermon preached by Pastor Alan Redpath on Sunday, June 15, 1958. Our subject is prayer, and I feel that within Psalm 86 are some fundamental lessons on this great theme that everyone of us needs to learn. It is uncertain when David actually wrote these words; it may have been when he was being hunted by Saul, or maybe when he was betrayed by Absalom. This much I do know it was at a time of great crisis, perplexity and affliction in his life, when he was being sorely tested and tried, when it seemed that but for God he … Read More >


Revival—The Kind That Counts

“My soul cleaveth unto the dust: QUICKEN THOU ME according to Thy word.”—Psalm 119:25 “I am afflicted very much: QUICKEN ME, O Lord, according to Thy word.”—Psalm 119:107 “Plead my cause and deliver me: QUICKEN ME according to Thy word.”—Psalm 119:154 These words of Scripture define a true revival. It is a quickening according to God’s Word, not according to some man’s magnetism of eccentricity. A talented evangelist may swoop down upon a community and make a stir by sharp striking sayings, draw large crowds and quicken a kind of interest, but such a quickening may be according to the … Read More >


What The Church Must Do

“So they strengthened their hands for this great work.”—Nehemiah 2:18 While I am taking this text, it is my thought to emphasize some of the practical truths that lie on the surface in the first five chapters of this wonderful book. Nehemiah was a man whose life was a perpetual testimony to the faithfulness of his God. He lived a long way from what we term “means of grace,” but as someone remarked years ago, when we are farthest from the “means” we may be nearest to the thing itself. It isn’t the means, but grace that is sufficient. We … Read More >


A Life Without Worry

It is quite generally recognized that anxiety and fear and dread are working havoc with us. Many panaceas are being offered for the cure of worry, but our God offers us a remedy that is very simple, yet very sure. It is a remedy which, if we would accept it, will deliver us from all care and fear, and worry would become unknown to us. Not only so, but we would be such a testimony to the world and fellow saints that the name of God would be glorified and the greatness of His grace manifested. The Cause of a … Read More >


Learning To Pray

Sermon delivered at the Moody Tabernacle by W.H. Griffith Thomas, D.D. on February 1, 1922. When we were little and went to school for the first time we were expected to learn more and more each week and each term, until at last our school days were over, but although school days are over and people sometimes talk about finishing their education, as a matter of fact education is never finished. We always are learning something. In the same way, when we commence the Christian life we are like little children, and the Lord who is our Saviour becomes our … Read More >


The Food Supply

Sermon preached by Paul Rader, April 29, 1917. “And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God.”—Luke 4:4 When God put man in the garden of Eden He put luscious fruits all around him, and all man had to do was to reach up and get them or reach down and pluck the herbs. There was plenty of food and the supply never ran short. There was no sweat or worry or pestilence and nothing to harm or poison or destroy until sin came in with its awful … Read More >


The Power Of Prayer

Our text—the Acts of the Apostles, the twelfth chapter and the fifth verse: “Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.” In this chapter there is an incident which touches right at the very heart of our experience as Christian people. I do trust that this story, which just reaches down to grass roots, may really speak to our hearts today that we may apply it, every one of us, to our own lives. Here is an insight in this chapter into the great warfare of the Christian life, and … Read More >

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