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Information about D.L. Moody, The Moody Church and its history, as well as information about various pastors and staff associated with Mr. Moody and The Moody Church.


A Quarter Century Of Gospel Preaching

Antonio F. Scorza was pastor of the Moody Italian Mission Church from 1922 into the 1940s. The Moody Italian Mission Church was started in 1909. “As the truth of Christ is in me, no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of Achaia.” “What persecutions I endured, but out of them all the Lord delivered me” (2 Corinthians 11:10; 2 Timothy 3:11b). Next to my Saviour and Lord, Paul the apostle is my pattern of a Christian and a servant of God. Reading his inspired writings has been through these years an unfailing source of inspiration and … Read More >


Win Your World For Christ

We want to be “a church that can change the city in a city that could change the world.” That’s our vision as leaders of The Moody Church as we think about our mission in the city of Chicago. Is this only a slogan? Or can this become a reality in the foreseeable future? The answer depends on whether we are willing to pay the price of becoming the witnesses we should be. I have no doubt that we can impact this city for the glory of God, but it will take the active participation of every member and friend … Read More >


Finally, Brethren, Farewell!

This is my last message in The Moody Church News as Senior Pastor of the church. I want to use Paul’s words in the last chapter of 2 Corinthians as the basis for this message. Of course, I must point out that the conditions in the Corinthian church do not parallel those in The Moody Church! How I praise God for the unity of heart and the devotion to the Word that we have in our fellowship. But the spiritual principles Paul deals with do apply to us, just as they did to the believers in Corinth. In Paul’s “farewell … Read More >


Dwight L. Moody Is Dead

The New York TimesDecember 23, 1899 DWIGHT L. MOODY IS DEAD Succumbs at His East Northfield (Mass.) Home to Overwork. HE MEETS HIS FATE CALMLY When the End Was Near He Said: “The World is Receding and Heaven Opening” East Northfield, Mass., December 22, 1899—With the words “God is calling me,” Dwight L. Moody, the Evangelist, died at his home here at noon to-day. His passing was as gentle as could be wished for. His family were gathered at his bedside, and the dying man’s last moments were spent in comforting them. Besides the family there were present also … Read More >


A New Story About Mr. Moody

Mr. John Langston, who, as a boy, remembers Mr. Moody’s first work in Chicago, and attended the North Market Street Sunday School, gave a very interesting description of Mr. Moody’s recruiting methods. He said: “It is something to be born again, and I found Jesus back in the Illinois Street mission through the instrumentality of my old teacher, George Roberts, who went home to Glory during this present year. I bless the day when George talked to me after school, and you teachers have a splendid opportunity, better than any pastor could have. “I want to go back to the … Read More >


Our Commitment

Sermon preached by Dr. H. Wilbert Norton on December 6, 1964. Our prayer has been, “speak to my heart today.” One hundred years ago a young man heard God speak to his heart, and The Moody Church became a reality. He became a witness to Jesus Christ throughout Chicago, the Midwest, the United States, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. In commemorating the response of this young to the voice of God speaking to his own heart and life, this church has accepted a statement reaffirming its faith in the One Who was the heart of the message … Read More >


The Twentieth Anniversary Of The Dedication Of The Moody Memorial Church

Sunday, November 8, 1925, was a day of days for the members and friends of the church which had grown from the work that D.L. Moody started so long before. For years the congregation had met for worship and testimony in the building erected through the efforts of Moody and his helpers at the corner of LaSalle Street and Chicago Avenue. After the attendance outgrew that building, it was sold to the Moody Bible Institute and the congregation moved to the site of the present great church, where a wooden tabernacle was erected that served for some ten years. In … Read More >


A Farewell Message

“As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me, Barnabas and Saul, for the work whereunto I have called them.” —Acts 13:2 I come this morning, I am sure, with a surprise, in a sense, to this audience. For some little time before I left on my trip around the world, there was a discussion as to what my future relationship to The Moody Church should be. At that time I handed in my resignation and then left for the trip. Since I have returned, I have been much in prayer, as has the Committee, … Read More >


Pastor Wiersbe Resigns

In a letter to the Board of Elders dated Sunday, May 7, 1978, Pastor Wiersbe submitted his resignation as Senior Minister of The Moody Church. The letter stated in part: “I feel the Lord would have me engage in a wider ministry of Bible conference teaching and writing. Let me state clearly and sincerely that my decision is not because of any problems in the church…Be sure of my continued support of The Moody Church ministry. My family and I plan to retain our membership at The Moody Church and stand behind the work there…” He indicated his last speaking … Read More >


Greetings From London

I wish to convey greeting to all who are gathered in the name of our Lord Jesus for the great annual Missionary Convention of the Moody Memorial Church [sic]. I wish to convey special greeting to the pastor of that great church, who, but a short time ago, ministered in one of London’s live churches. I believe that it is a special manifestation of spiritual concern that has brought you together again this year in the interest of world missions. Surely this is the spiritual outreach of a church that is led by the Spirit of God. Although we are, … Read More >

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