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Information on general history, usually related to the Bible, biblical places and/or people.


The Food Supply

Sermon preached by Paul Rader, April 29, 1917. “And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God.”—Luke 4:4 When God put man in the garden of Eden He put luscious fruits all around him, and all man had to do was to reach up and get them or reach down and pluck the herbs. There was plenty of food and the supply never ran short. There was no sweat or worry or pestilence and nothing to harm or poison or destroy until sin came in with its awful … Read More >


Israel Vivified

Israel Vivified: A Marvelous Chosen Nation—Its Sad Past and Glorious Future On one occasion someone twitted the great Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, because he was a Jew. With his brilliant intellect he replied, “My friend need not be so hard on my people. One half of Christendom is following a Jew—and the other half, a Jewess.” “I say then, Hath God cast away His people? God forbid…God hath not cast away His people which He foreknew…For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in … Read More >


I Led The Air Raid On Pearl Harbor

The Christian Testimony of the Japanese Commander who led the Air Armada of 360 planes that bombed our Fleet at anchor in Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. I am Mitsuo Fuchida. As chief commander of the whole air squadron, I participated in the air-raid on Pearl Harbor on December 8, 1941 (Japan time), which actually opened up the Pacific war. On that very morning, seating myself in the first plane, I led the whole squadron of 360 planes into Pearl Harbor, and having ascertained that the main force of the American Pacific Fleet, comprised of eight warships, was at anchor … Read More >


In Perils Of The Sea

The Rev. R.H. Smith, who gave several informative messages on India at our last Foreign Missionary Rally, tells of his exciting experiences returning to the field, where he intends to resume teaching in the short term Bible Schools of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. From heaven did the Lord behold the earth…to loose those that are appointed to death—Psalm 102:19, 20 We bear witness to the truth of the words of this Psalm as experienced in the past months on our journey to India. After postponements and cancellations of sailing, we finally embarked on a Dutch steamer from San Francisco, … Read More >


Prelude To Terror

ISIS, Antichrist, and the Great Tribulation: Biblical Prophecies Explored! We live in a world where ISIS brutally murdered thirteen teenagers…for watching a soccer match on television because they might be exposed to western ideas and ideologies. The reports of these unspeakable atrocities flood our hearts and minds almost daily…babies beheaded, women and children killed, and young girls and older women raped repeatedly. In fact, one young woman I saw on the news was begging to be killed, because she and her friends thought they would be better off. She told chilling stories of how they were being repeatedly raped, whipped, … Read More >


The Kaiser Said, “Let There Be Darkness”

“So they cast him out of the vineyard.” —Luke 20:15 I suppose that the time has come when most men refuse to say there is no God. Men have gotten far enough in science to know that there is a God. They realize that there is an intelligence running the world, although they do not want to admit that intelligence is the God of the Bible. Now if there is a God, then it is surely true of that God that He is able to enlighten that which He creates. Certainly the sun that brings forth the lily in your … Read More >


COVID-19, The Economy, And Our Future

The world changed in December 2019 when the COVID-19 pandemic spread exponentially in every part of America and around the World. It’s not just a health crisis, but a terrible economic crisis. At no other time in history has a modern, industrialized economy essentially shut down in a matter of weeks. I am convinced that the economic ripples will continue long after the health scare has passed. With thousands of businesses closed, leaving millions unemployed, it will take time—perhaps years—to rebuild. The economy is not a light switch that can be shut off and turned back on. I believe there … Read More >


God's Plan For World Conquest

Sermon preached on Sunday, September 23, 1962 by Dr. Alan Redpath. Last month we saw that two world wars in this twentieth century began, in the judgment of all who were living at that particular time, by ushering in what was going to be the golden age. But those two world wars that have taken place have prepared the way in a most amazing way for the fulfillment of prophecy in two specific areas. In the first place World War I released Palestine from the dominion of the Turk, and opened the way for the return of Israel, an event … Read More >


Is Peter The Rock Upon Which The Church Is Built?

A sermon preached in The Moody Church by Dr. H.A. Ironside in reply to a radio sermon by Dr. Shean of Washington, D.C. “When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias: and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But who say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and … Read More >


Race, Riots & Reconciliation

Due to recent events, we wanted to share an article that Pastor Lutzer wrote back in March of 2015 on "Race, Riots, and Reconciliation." In recent months, our nation has been torn apart by racial riots in cities such as Ferguson, New York City, and Baltimore. By the time this newsletter goes to press, perhaps another city will be under siege, subjected to riots that will heighten outrage and damage property. Unfortunately, the rioters assume guilt on the part of the police without the officers having the opportunity of due process. Perhaps the best example is Officer Darren Wilson of … Read More >

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