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Information on the role of the church in government, as well as church and state issues.


No Reason To Hide

Standing for Christ in a Collapsing Culture Should the church be involved in politics? I’ve written a book, No Reason To Hide, with the intention of helping all of us think through how we should respond to the collapse of the basic moral and legal framework of the America we once knew. So, yes, this book deals with cultural and political issues. I’ve often been asked, “Should the church even be involved in politics?” The answer is yes because politics cannot be separated from morality, and morality cannot be separated from Christianity. And if the church has nothing to … Read More >


A Forgotten God

“For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples; and Judah hath multiplied fenced cities; but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the palaces thereof.”—Hosea 8:14 Hosea 8:14 is the voice of Jehovah speaking to His people and ringing down through the centuries to each of us. I believe that what I have to say, in the name of the Lord, has something for everyone of us. I have lived for over four years in this country now—a very short time compared with most of you—yet long enough to feel its pulse, to love … Read More >


Terrorism, Refugees, and Our Security

The war is raging. Months ago on television, when I saw the body of a two-year-old boy washed up on a shore, the victim of a capsized boat filled with refugees fleeing the horrors of ISIS, I wanted compassion to win. This precious child represented tens of thousands of refugees who are dying of hunger, lack protection from the weather, and are just plain exhausted. With incredulity and sorrow, we watch the hordes of weary immigrants march across rugged terrain, and pray that they can find a new life. In response to the crisis, several European countries have welcomed these … Read More >


The Demise Of Religious Freedom In America

Before I speak about the ominous trends in America to curtail freedom of speech, let me tell you about Dr. Charles H. McVety, president of Canada Christian College in Toronto, whose television program was removed from the air because he had the temerity to preach against homosexuality. Later, he was allowed back on television, but now he has to submit his program to the Canadian Broadcast Standard Council every Wednesday for review by the censors on Thursday, and then, if approved, can be broadcast on Sunday. As far as I know this panel does not rule on programs that are … Read More >


Islam's Agenda For America

The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent My most important book, The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent—an informed response to Islam’s war with Christianity, was released by Harvest Publishers early in this new year. I began writing this book several years ago after Rebecca and I toured Turkey, visiting the cities where the seven churches of Revelation were located. Of course, those churches disappeared in the early centuries, but Turkey (biblical Asia Minor) maintained a distinct Christian presence until Islam came and conquered the city of Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453. Churches were destroyed or transformed into mosques; … Read More >


When The State Becomes God

When the State Becomes God: What to do when government invades your God-given freedoms To obey, or to disobey? History is filled with stories of conflict between the church and state. More often than not, these conflicts happen when the state overreaches its proper role and stifles its citizens’ freedom of conscience, freedom of worship, and the right to propagate one’s faith. Perhaps one of the most egregious examples of this happened in the first century when Christians who would not declare “Caesar is Lord” were ostracized or put to death. This was based on the accepted dictum that if … Read More >


The Icon Of Tolerance

There’s One Thing Modern Tolerance Will Not Permit... To hear some people talk, you’d think that sin no longer exists in our society; but if there were one sin left, it would be intolerance. Once a person is branded intolerant, nothing else need be said. They are bigoted and need to be shunned. But let’s examine some of the definitions of this word tolerance closely. Legal tolerance is the basic right of everyone to believe whatever they choose to believe and say whatever they want to say. This kind of tolerance means we have freedom to worship or not worship, … Read More >


The Flag And The Unraveling Of America

Dear Friend,  When I entered the United States as a Canadian citizen back in 1970, I already had respect for the American flag—long before I became a US citizen. I can honestly say that despite the many faults of the United States—and there are many—I am unashamedly proud to be an America; I gladly say The Pledge of Allegiance and love “Old Glory.” The words in the Pledge, “the Flag of the United States of America,” were intended to make clear to immigrants that his was not the flag of their home country, but a flag intended to represent the … Read More >


Race, Riots & Reconciliation

Due to recent events, we wanted to share an article that Pastor Lutzer wrote back in March of 2015 on "Race, Riots, and Reconciliation." In recent months, our nation has been torn apart by racial riots in cities such as Ferguson, New York City, and Baltimore. By the time this newsletter goes to press, perhaps another city will be under siege, subjected to riots that will heighten outrage and damage property. Unfortunately, the rioters assume guilt on the part of the police without the officers having the opportunity of due process. Perhaps the best example is Officer Darren Wilson of … Read More >


Communism’s Blueprint For Conquest

Message delivered in The Moody Church Prayer Meeting on October 11, 1950 In 1848, Karl Marx and Frederick Engles, the founders of Communism, published the Communist Manifesto, the opening words of which were: “There is a spectre haunting Europe”—the spectre of Communism. Today that would be a gross understatement. The spectre not only haunts Europe: it has almost conquered and destroyed Europe as it was known. It is meanacing, in a most real sense, the entire world. It has conquered the greater part of Europe and Asia, so that the Communist government of Russia enjoys supremacy over countless millions of … Read More >

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