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Resources About Antichrist

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Teachings about the Antichrist during the End Times.


Iraq And The Millennial Kingdom

The Future of Iraq Imagine, if you will, a highway that connects Baghdad with Cairo and Jerusalem; a highway without tolls and borders! Imagine Israel leading the world in religious observance, without rivalry from any nation on earth. People could spend their money on personal and social projects, without a dime going toward defense! A dream, you say? No, not a dream, but a future reality predicted by Isaiah the prophet. As you read his predictions, keep in mind that much of present-day Iraq is the ancient land of Assyria: “In that day there will be a highway from Egypt … Read More >


Prelude To Terror

ISIS, Antichrist, and the Great Tribulation: Biblical Prophecies Explored! We live in a world where ISIS brutally murdered thirteen teenagers…for watching a soccer match on television because they might be exposed to western ideas and ideologies. The reports of these unspeakable atrocities flood our hearts and minds almost daily…babies beheaded, women and children killed, and young girls and older women raped repeatedly. In fact, one young woman I saw on the news was begging to be killed, because she and her friends thought they would be better off. She told chilling stories of how they were being repeatedly raped, whipped, … Read More >
