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Resources About Adultery

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Information on adultery and how to deal with unfaithfulness in marriage.

Ask Pastor Lutzer


My husband keeps cheating on me even after I confront him. We have 5 children. I don’t want to leave …


My dear sister, you can’t allow your husband to continue to live this way.

Look at it from his perspective, …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


My husband and I have been married for 30 years. It’s been tumultuous at best, and started with the fact …


Janice, first of all let me say that my heart certainly goes out to you. You know it’s a reminder …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


It wasn't until my marriage failed totally that I found freedom from sexual sin.

And even then, it was only …


Well Joe, thank you again for asking your question because there are tens of thousands of people who have the …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I have an older brother who is having another affair. He’s confided in me about these relationships.

Now he’s involved …


Well Larry, my heart goes out to you. And you’re in a very, very critical situation, but I do need …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


About 6 years ago my wife admitted that she had committed adultery. I refused to forgive her, and we were …


Manfred, your question makes me realize, once again, that divorce is sin. You know the Bible says, “I hate divorce,” …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I was a school administrator for a parochial school. I committed adultery that resulted in a child.

The church removed …


Well, my dear friend, first of all, if your children are going to find out any way, and I suspect …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


My wife had an affair last year, and now we are divorced. Am I permitted to remarry?


Patrick, this is a question I wish I could sit down and discuss with you because I’ve got all kinds …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I had a good marriage but I became unfaithful.

I know God has forgiven me, but Pastor Lutzer, why is …


Well Ronald, first of all I’d like to say that sexual sin is very serious and people oftentimes underestimate the …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


I got a call from my older brother two weeks ago telling me that my father, who is a retired …


Well Carol, you are in a really difficult predicament, but I see some hope here.

It’s wonderful that your parents …

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Ask Pastor Lutzer


My husband has been involved in an adulterous relationship with a divorcee. She’s now pregnant and so my husband has …


Well Cheryl, what a story, what a situation, what a challenge.

Let me say a couple of things. First of …

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