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Quiet Hour - Day 182

Thoughts for the Quiet Hour - July 1

He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not. —Revelation 1:17

One of Wellington’s officers, when commanded to go on some perilous duty, lingered a moment as if afraid, and then said:

“Let me have one clasp of your all-conquering hand before I go; and then I can do it.”

Seek the clasp of Christ’s hand before every bit of work, every hard task, every battle, every good deed. Bend your head in the dewy freshness of every morning, ere you go forth to meet the day’s duties and perils, and wait for the benediction of Christ, as He lays His hands upon you. They are hands of blessing. Their touch will inspire you for courage and strength and all beautiful and noble living. —J. R. Miller

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