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Quiet Hour - Day 173

Thoughts for the Quiet Hour - June 22

What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter. —John 13:7

God keeps a school for His children here on earth and one of His best teacher is Disappointment. My friend, when you and I reach our Father’s house, we shall look back and see that the sharp-voiced, rough; visaged teacher, Disappointment, was one of the best guides to train us for it. He gave us hard lessons; he often used the rod; he often led us into thorny paths; he sometimes stripped off a load of luxuries; but that only made us travel the freer and the faster on our heavenward way. He sometimes led us down into the valley of the death-shadow; but never did the promises read so sweetly as when spelled out by the eye of faith in that very valley. Nowhere did he lead us so often, or teach us such sacred lessons, as at the cross of Christ. Dear, old, rough-handed teacher! We will build a monument to thee yet, and crown it with garlands, and inscribe on it: Blessed be the memory of Disappointment! Theodore Cuyler

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