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August 1908 Heart to Heart Talk

There is great danger that the good may exclude the best. If Satan can keep us so busy doing good that we neglect to pray, he is satisfied. He can counteract our good works, but he cannot counteract our prayers, for God works in answer to prayer. If a prayer meeting is filled with talk, though it be good talk, Satan is pleased. His birds of the air are ready to pick up the good seed and much of it falls on stony ground or among thorns to be choked, but when the hour is filled with genuine prayer, Satan is at his wit’s end. He cannot prevent a blessing.

“Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees.” But Satan does not tremble when he sees the strongest saint so occupied with good work in public and private that he has no time to get upon his knees. Prayer is the key that unlocks the meaning of the Scriptures, for the Holy Spirit, without whose enlightening presence no one can understand spiritual truth, is given in answer to prayer.

Before you look into your Bible, look up to God and pray with the Psalmist, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of they law.” Prayer is the key to success in soul-winning. We cannot give conviction of sin or induce anyone to accept Christ as Saviour. We have no power to impart the new birth. That is the work of God, who does it in answer to prayer.

Prayer is the secret of victory over sin. If we trust our own strength, we shall be defeated every time, but, with the prayer of faith which relies solely upon God, defeat is impossible. If you would grow in grace, pray. If you would bear heavy burdens without feeling their weight, pray. If you would be guided by the wisdom of God, pray. If you would overcome evil tendencies in your own nature, pray. If you would make any sort of public meeting a success, pray. If you would not fret and worry, pray. If you want a revival or would keep revived all the time, pray. If you need money for the work of the Lord, pray. If you need anything for yourself and family, pray. If you are sick, pray. If you desire the healing of others, pray. If you are in perplexity, pray. If you are happy and contented, pray. If you are discouraged and downhearted, pray. I f you feel like praying, pray. If you don’t feel like praying, pray. “Pray without ceasing.”

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