Living As God's Community
These messages stress that we do not simply “subscribe to Christianity,” as if it is just one more thing added …
Buy this book >Asked by: Meena
All believers need to understand a couple of things. First of all, struggles are common to all of us. In fact it says in the book of James, “count it all joy when you fall into various trials.” The fact that we have struggles and the fact that we even fail is part of the Christian experience. We shouldn’t think that somehow life is abnormal because we’re experiencing this.
Number two, we need to continue to be in the Word and with the people of God. We need input from the Scriptures to assure us of forgiveness and God’s help.
So how can we continue to have faith? That’s exactly the trial of our faith about which the Bible speaks so often: that when we’re going through life and it appears as if God isn’t on our side, it is then that we must keep believing because he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him out.
Encourage your friend. Pray with her, pray for her. And help her to know that no matter how difficult the Christian life becomes, you’re there to take her by the arm and lead her all the way to victory. God bless you.
These messages stress that we do not simply “subscribe to Christianity,” as if it is just one more thing added …
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