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Reclaiming The Family

Reclaiming The Family

Hope For Our Most Urgent Crisis

  • Format: CD Series

Price: $27.00

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  • CD Series

This series addresses the challenges of our broken families as well as giving instruction on how families can become counter-cultural in our present society. Included also is a message on husband/wife relationships and another on domestic abuse. These messages are an urgent appeal for families to face their strengths and weaknesses, breaking destructive cycles and getting on with healing and hope.

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer
The Moody Church
Number of Sermons: 
Number of Discs: 
Year Preached: 
Original Sermon Series: 
Reclaiming The Family

Sermons in this Series:

1. Miles Apart In The Same House
2. The Mystique Of Motherhood
3. A Father's Long Shadow
4. A Destructive Secret
5. Your Family: Root, Stem, And Branches
6. Countering The Culture
7. Making A Difference Where You Are