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You Can Fly!

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | October 12, 1975

Selected highlights from this sermon

We all get spiritually run down and exhausted at some point in life, but Isaiah 40 reminds us that we can be spiritually renewed. Pastor Wiersbe encourages us to wait on the Lord who will provide peace and strengthen our hearts.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Isaiah 40 is talking about spiritual renewal.

We all get spiritually run down and exhausted at some point in life.

Three stages in the experience of spiritual renewal:

  • Fainting
    • The first stage in spiritual renewal is admitting that we are prone to fainting.
    • We know from our own experience the reality and tragedy of fainting spiritually.
    • When we fail to do what God wants us to do, we make it harder for ourselves and others to give God glory.
    • We faint because we are weak, we go through trials, and we sin.
  • Waiting
    • To wait on the Lord means to come into His presence and worship
    • If you ever feel discouraged and defeated remember to turn to the Lord.
    • No matter what your circumstances are, believers can come to God and know that He is our Savior.
    • When you wait on the Lord a peace fills your heart because God becomes bigger than your problems.
  • Renewing
    • We can give God our weakness in exchange for His strength.
    • It takes grace to keep running in life and walk without fainting.
    • It is often easiest to fail in the everyday walking of the Christian life.
    • We will never run in faith if we cannot first learn to walk.

God is bigger than the demands we face in life.

It is always too soon to quit. Wait on the Lord, and He will strengthen your heart.

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