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When Faith Doesn't Make Sense, What Then?

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | None

Selected highlights from this sermon

Life is a school of learning from God and it helps us to grow in our faith. Abraham stayed in the school of faith his entire life, and studying him, we see what we can expect our lives to be like when we live by faith. Going through life in faith allows us to grow through the tests we face.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Abraham stayed in the school of faith his entire life.

Abraham was the greatest person to graduate from God’s school of faith.

Abraham shows us experiences that happen when you belong to God’s school of faith.

Life is a school of learning from and growing in God.

Abraham shows us what to expect when we live a life of faith.

  • Expect to be tested.
    • Abraham went through test, after test, after test.
    • God tests us to prove the genuineness of our faith.
  • Expect the tests to get harder.
    • As we grow in our faith, we can handle harder tests.
    • Every test is a chance to grow in our faith.
    • Our greatest tests are after the battle is over.
    • When God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, God was after Abraham’s heart, not Isaac’s life.
  • Expect God to see us through.
    • God let Abraham get to the very edge of his faith, and then He stepped in.
    • We can depend on the resurrection power of Jesus.
  • Expect God to reward us in the end.
    • God tests us to make us rich.
    • God tests us to bring out the best in us.
    • It’s worth it to go through the tests of life because we will see Jesus.

Going through life in faith allows us to grow through the tests we face.

A faith that can’t be tested, can’t be trusted.

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