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What Happened The Next Day?

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | April 24, 1977

Selected highlights from this sermon

Many people miss the blessings of today because they are carrying the burdens of yesterday and worrying about the problems of tomorrow. But when we have Jesus as our Savior we can live as He did—one day at a time. Ask God for the strength to face each new day and He will give you what you need.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

An unquiet heart can often get us into real disaster.

Many people miss the blessings of today because they are carrying the burdens of yesterday and worrying about the problems of tomorrow.

Live how Jesus lived—one day at a time.

When Jesus woke up, He listened to the Father for His orders for the day.

Start your day with the Lord and take what He gives you.

We don’t know what the next day will bring.

Ask God for the strength to face each new day.

Three truths from the meetings at the city gate that help us live each new day:

  • Two crowds met at the city gate.
    • We are either in the crowd following Jesus up to the city or the crowd following the corpse going down to the cemetery.
    • God is preparing a city for His people.
    • These two crowds represent the difference between life and death.
  • Two sufferers met at the city gate.
    • For the woman, when her son died, everything inside her snapped and she was all alone.
    • It takes sorrow to really have compassion on those who sorrow.
    • Jesus came at just the right time to help the woman.
    • If we ask Jesus, He will come to help us just when we need Him.
    • Jesus shared in the woman’s sorrow.
    • We don’t need religion or friends; we need
  • Two enemies met at the city gate.
    • The two enemies were Jesus Christ and death.
    • Death breaks up homes and robs people of friends and family.
    • Jesus came to conquer death and defeat the final enemy.

If Jesus has defeated the last and greatest enemy, can’t He defeat all the rest of them?

Without Jesus as our Savior, we will be defeated.

Jesus wants to meet us at our place of need and solve our problem.

We can live one day at a time when we are walking with Jesus.

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