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Just Before The Battle

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | September 3, 1978

Selected highlights from this sermon

Joshua was in a difficult situation. After Moses, he became the new leader of a people who were not known for their faith. On top of that, he was told to take down Jericho, a massive fortress. But Joshua knew that the biggest problem was in his own faith. At some point in all of our lives, we will face impossible situations. With faith in God, we are never alone and we know He has already won the battle.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Joshua was in a difficult situation. He was the new leader after Moses; the Jews were not known for their faith; and Jericho was a massive fortress.

Joshua knew his biggest problem was himself.

We are often quick to put blame on other people for our own weaknesses.

We face impossible situations, but the first battle is in our own hearts.

Joshua made four discoveries that allow us to face any enemy in the will of God.

  • Joshua discovered he was not alone.
    • There is great loneness in leadership.
    • God promised to be with Joshua, just as He was with Moses.
    • The Israelites were praying for God to be with Joshua.
    • The Lord came to Joshua in exactly the form Joshua needed Him: as a soldier.
    • God always comes when we need Him, where we need Him, and in the way we need Him.
    • We are never alone, no matter how we feel or what we go through.
  • Joshua discovered he was second in command.
    • Joshua had experience, obedience, skill, faith, courage, and patience, but he would not have had success without God.
    • Joshua had to learn that God was the captain.
    • Who’s in command of your life?
    • Any failure in the Bible came from not putting God first.
  • Joshua discovered he was on holy
    • We fall apart spiritually when we try and separate “secular” and “sacred” parts of our lives.
    • Wherever the child of God is doing the will of God is holy ground.
    • Tying to separate spiritual and material things gives Satan a door into our lives.
    • When you know you’re standing on holy ground, nothing can move you.
    • No task is too small for God to have us do.
  • Joshua discovered he had already won the battle.
    • God had prepared the way and made the plan. All Joshua had to do was step out in faith.
    • Victory is won when we get alone with God.

The battle is the Lord’s.

No matter what battle you’re facing, give it to the Lord and He will give victory.

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