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Heaven Can't Wait

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | August 3, 1978

Selected highlights from this sermon

We often view heaven as the place we are going to go after we have the best time possible on Earth—even believers often think this. But Jesus had a different view of life on Earth for His followers. He wants the fact that we are going to heaven to be a motivating factor in how we live our lives. He wants us to be unselfish, worry-free, and united in fellowship to show the world the love of God.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

God desires to have us where He is.

Not everyone believes in heaven. And we don’t talk very much about heaven.

We often view heaven as the place we are going to go after we have the best time possible on Earth.

Jesus had a positive attitude about heaven, and He wants the fact that we are going to heaven to be a motivating factor in our lives.

The assurance of heaven should make a difference in our lives.

Benefits that come from knowing you’re going to heaven:

  • Secret of an unselfish life
    • Selfishness makes us isolate ourselves and keeps us from enjoying life.
    • Jesus looked beyond the suffering of the cross to the coming glory of heaven.
    • Let God bury you so that one day you can see the glory.
    • Prove you are going to heaven with an unselfish life.
  • Secret of an untroubled heart
    • It was better for the disciples that Jesus left to prepare a place for them in heaven.
    • We can be comforted knowing we are going to heaven.
  • Secret of an undivided fellowship
    • God saved us for His glory.
    • One day we will all be in heaven together. Let’s work on loving each other on Earth.
    • We are to represent to the world the unity of God’s people.

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