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A U-Turn In Jerusalem

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | August 3, 1975

Selected highlights from this sermon

Simon of Cyrene was drafted to carry Jesus’ cross to Calvary. Meeting Jesus was a life changing experience, Pastor Wiersbe explains in this message. From Simon’s life we can see how we are transformed when we are called to follow Christ.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Conversion means to change direction, uses, or owners.

Simon of Cyrene was converted, and his life completely changed.

Simon of Cyrene was drafted to carry Jesus’ cross.

Three changes that took place in Simon of Cyrene’s life when he met Jesus:

  • Simon was changed from seeking to finding, from religion to reality.
    • Simon was a devote Jew and had a rich spiritual heritage.
    • No matter how good his Jewish religious practices, that could not satisfy Simon.
    • The Law cannot save us or make us perfect, but it leads us to Christ.
    • Simon found in Jesus Christ the reality never found in religion.
    • Simon wasn’t saved because he carried a cross; he was saved because he turned from his sin and trusted Jesus Christ.
  • Simon was changed from watching to sharing, from a spectator to participant.
    • We are called to be involved in God’s work on Earth, not judge those who are.
    • We must step out of the crowd and take our stand for Jesus Christ.
  • Simon was changed from rebelling to submitting.
    • We have all had to do something that changed our plans.
    • If Jesus had not submitted to God’s plan, we could not be saved.
    • God is making and growing us even as we carry our cross.

Everybody is following somebody and carrying some kind of burden.

Believers are following Jesus to heaven.

Will you take up your cross and follow Christ?

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