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The Moody Church's theological position regarding the Trinity.



Historically speaking, “Trinity” is a term Christians use to describe the unique nature of the God of the Bible.  While the Bible attests that there is only one God in essence (Deuteronomy 6:4), each particular person of the Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) is referred to as being fully God (John 1:1, 14; 8:58; Acts 5:3-4).    As advocates for historical Trinitarian theology, we recognize that no definition of God is satisfactory. He cannot be comprehensively categorized or detailed. The orthodox idea of the Trinity protects that mystery, defending the coexisting biblical realities concerning God (one in … Read More >


The Holy Trinity

Now I am going to ask your attention to that tremendous theme, the Holy Trinity, and I am going to read, not exactly as a text but as a starting point, the most frequently quoted text in the Bible. I do not think there can be any question as to what that text is. In tens of thousands of churches in this and other lands all over the world, two or three or more times every Lord’s Day and uncounted thousands of times at week night services, this text is quoted. It is the last verse of the 13th chapter … Read More >
