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Resources About Sexuality

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Biblical information on sexuality and how to be healed from destructive sexual behaviors.


The Prodigal Daughter

“And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace.”—Luke 8:50 There are as many types of prodigal women as of prodigal men. The worldly, godless woman is a prodigal. She dresses well, gives parties with cards and wine, frequents the theater during the week and goes to church on Sunday morning. She is no sinner in the sense that she violates the proprieties of society. She keeps the Ten Commandments. But in her life of elegant dissipation she wastes her substance in riotous living. The pleasure-seeking woman is a prodigal. Her picture is given … Read More >


Freedom From Sexual Sin

Sadly, some believers sincerely question whether or not viewing pornography is wrong at all. But the Scriptures are blunt (Matthew 5:28; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20; 1 John 2:16; Philippians 4:8; Hebrews 13:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-6). God’s standard is purity of heart, for such shall see God (Matthew 5:8). The only way to find freedom from sexual bondage is by utilizing the resources that God has given us—the Word and the Church. We believe that although one can fall into the trap of pornography without any help, we cannot come out of this unclean practice without help from others. People who minister … Read More >


A Soul Defiled

The Snare of Pornography Our nation is drowning in a sea of sensuality. About 70% of the time, pornography falls into the hands of children, so when a friend of mine was a teenager and found a stash of his father’s magazines, he began to browse at the pictures. Though he became a Christian in college, the images stayed with him, and so did his habit. He kept his fantasy world intact, making sure that no one found out about his secret pleasure. He both loved pornography and hated it. One man with a similar story said, “I lived like … Read More >


God's Grace in Unplanned Pregnancies

Incredibly, on the human level, the salvation of the human race was dependent on a young, single mother. Yes, God entrusted the birth of His Son to a young woman who would then raise Him, doing her best to teach and prepare Him to accept the responsibility of suffering in order to redeem the world. After Joseph married his pregnant bride, he would adopt her child as his own son, and eventually Mary would have other children. But Mary experienced her first pregnancy as an unwed mother.   No wonder we honor Mary. She didn’t sign up for this responsibility. God … Read More >


The Debate Over Same-Sex Marriage

While We Slept When four justices in a Massachusetts courtroom ruled that it was unconstitutional to bar homosexuals from marriage, they set in motion a series of dominoes that no one—not even the gays themselves—could have predicted. In courtrooms throughout different parts of the country, judges flaunted the law and ‘married’ jubilant homosexuals. Repeatedly, the media interviewed those who insisted that the ‘weddings’ were constitutional, other laws not withstanding. The reason that the Massachusetts decision to legalize same-sex marriages was so widely accepted, is that the judges spoke into a cultural climate that had already been conditioned to accept the … Read More >



The Scriptures plainly teach two genders, male and female, and only two modes of sexuality: celibate singleness and marriage between one man and one woman. Singleness, the state highly praised by Paul, is to be pursued for the glory of God without offering occasion for any sort of sexual immorality, including premarital (or post-marital) intercourse and pornography (1 Corinthians 7:8-9). The second option is marriage between a man and a woman. Marriage ought to be pursued and celebrated with utmost fidelity, abstaining from sins such as adultery, pornography, and polygamy (Hebrews 13:4).   Upon a complete survey of Scriptures, LGBT sexuality … Read More >
