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Information on the life of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of Man.

Blog Post

Can We Be Eternally Secure? | When The Good Shepherd Holds Your Hand #5

If a follower of Christ backslides, does that mean they no longer belong to God? Like rebellious sheep, we can wander away from the fold. Pastor Lutzer provides three compelling reasons why we can make it home to the Good Shepherd. Belonging to the Lord is the greatest privilege imaginable so let’s listen for His voice.  Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with Pastor Lutzer." Thanks for joining … Read More >

Blog Post

Jesus Teaches Us How To Die | Cries From the Cross #9

Death appeared to have the last word. But when it looked like He was powerless on the cross, Jesus was still in control, willingly giving himself into the Father’s hands. Pastor Lutzer points to the hand of God in Jesus’ example of death and work of redemption. If we are in God’s hands, we never face death the same way again. Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with … Read More >

Blog Post

Jesus Felt Thirsty For Us | Cries From the Cross #7 | Pastor Lutzer

All the ways we attempt to quench our thirst for happiness and satisfaction leave us thirsty in the end. At Calvary, the Creator of the oceans and rivers felt thirst. Pastor Lutzer points to Jesus’ humanity and submission to the will of the Father as the weight of sin rested on Him. How long will we thirst before we are truly satisfied? Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes … Read More >

Blog Post

Jesus Suffered God’s Wrath | Cries From the Cross #5

All the members of the Trinity were involved in the death of Christ on the cross. When Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?,” it revealed a dramatic mystery. Pastor Lutzer reflects on the wonder of the darkness and the question itself. What happened when the Father turned His back on the Son?  Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with Pastor Lutzer." If … Read More >

Blog Post

Jesus Promises Paradise | Cries From the Cross #3

When we face death, and we all will, we want to be assured that we’ve placed our confidence in something durable. Jesus was crucified between two thieves, one who cursed Him and one who cried out for help. Pastor Lutzer reflects on the nature of Jesus’ promises to this man in the last hours of his life. Did the thief doubt that Jesus’ promise would be made good?  Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube … Read More >

Blog Post

How Do We Experience The Spirit’s Filling? | When The Spirit Has His Way #4

Many Christians long to experience God beyond empty rituals. We are spiritually thirsty, desiring to encounter God Himself. Pastor Lutzer reflects on the context and meaning of Jesus’ words in John 7 about the living water of the Spirit. What does the Bible say about becoming worthy of the filling of the Holy Spirit?  Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with Pastor Lutzer." I'm so glad that you … Read More >

Blog Post

Can We Know We’re Saved? | When The Good Shepherd Holds Your Hand #4

Can we know for sure that we are one of Christ’s sheep? While the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, the Good Shepherd lays down His life for His own. Pastor Lutzer describes three of Jesus’ purposes as the door to the sheep fold. Imagine what a difference it would make if we lived securely as the object of His love.  Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes … Read More >

Blog Post

Jesus Paid It All | Cries From the Cross #8

Pastor Erwin Lutzer says, “All of us are born with an expiration date.” When Jesus breathed his last words, He knew he had completed all the work the Father had given Him to do. Pastor Lutzer proclaims what the finished work of Christ did on our behalf. When we reach our final days, will we have finished what God called us to do?  Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 … Read More >

Blog Post

Jesus Endured The Father’s Abandonment | Cries From the Cross #6

Many of us know the pain of abandonment and rejection. Yet Jesus Himself faced the silence of God in a way we cannot fully understand. Pastor Lutzer contemplates the amazing love of God at the most excruciating moment in all of time. How could Jesus’ death in our place accomplish God’s plan of reconciliation?  Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with Pastor Lutzer." Thank you again for joining … Read More >

Blog Post

Jesus Gives An Assignment | Cries From the Cross #4

Last words are important, especially from loved ones. When Jesus looked upon His mother, Mary, in compassion He gave instructions about her future. Pastor Lutzer pictures that poignant moment between the Son of God and the mother of Jesus. What if our proximity to the cross clarified our God-given assignment?   Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with Pastor Lutzer." Thanks for joining us again as we continue our … Read More >

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