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Information on faith, who you should have faith in, and what God allows in our lives to strengthen our faith in Him.


A Challenge For Skeptics

We are living in an age of skepticism. Many people do not believe the promises of politicians, because they have often placed confidence in those who have betrayed us. It’s easy to come to disbelieve in people. Television has made us skeptical. We have come to distrust the ads that promise so much and yet often deliver so little. We should not be surprised to discover that the same kind of skepticism can spill over into our religious faith. False cults are arising quickly and all claim to have the truth. There is a danger that we will simply give … Read More >


Comments on 1 Thessalonians 5

“Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.” I don’t know what you are drunk with, but I know many people are drunk with a great many things today—some staggering ideals, some colossal foolishness, or something else. There is more in this word “sober” than simply abstaining from some intoxicating liquor. It is a wonderful thing to have a sober mind and not let yourself be carried away by the drunken spirit of our day, but to stand with Jesus Christ, while the tide is going the other way. Ask God for a … Read More >


Wanted: A Venture of Faith

In the February issue of Moody Monthly there appeared an article entitled “The State of the Church,” written by A.W. Tozer, Billy Graham, J.O. Percy, David Otis Fuller and one or two others. The comments of these men in regard to this subject were very significant, especially Dr. Graham’s, where he asks, “Can the church recapture the faith, courage, enthusiasm, joy, love, unity, discipline, and cross-bearing that so characterized the early followers of Christ? Many doubt it—many think we have gone too far and that our minds are becoming darkened, our conscience hardened and our will paralyzed.” In Mark 9:14-29 … Read More >


Brief Biographical Sketch Of The Life And Ministry Of Henry Allan Ironside

Written in honor of Dr. Ironside’s tenth anniversary as Pastor of The Moody Church. We fully appreciate the problems which confront us when we attempt to write at least a portion of the life story of one who is still living and actively engaged in the ministry to which God has called him. On the other hand, because there is so much of real value in the life and ministry of this devoted servant of Christ that will be a source of real inspiration to multitudes, it is without apology that we pen these lines. When approached and urged to … Read More >


Caleb, the Wholehearted, or the Energy of Faith

The wars of Canaan were largely at an end. Israel had to a great extent found at least temporary rest in the land that God had promised them. We know from the history that follows that this condition, however, did not continue. In the epistle to the Hebrews we are told, “If Jesus had given them rest, He would not have spoken of another rest.” Many, perhaps, have not realized that Jesus and Joshua are the same: that is, Joshua is the Hebrew form of the name that our blessed Lord bore here on Earth. Jesus is an Anglicization of … Read More >


God's Galaxy Of Heroes

You may ask, “How many times have you preached from this subject?” I do not know, but one think I do know: the other day, alone in my room asking God to give me something fresh from Him, I got a new vision of the eleventh chapter of Hebrews. The sermons I have preached on this chapter I have not repudiated, because what I said gave a message true to the Book, but God has given me some added light, and it is so simple you will wonder why I did not see it before. When I began reading this … Read More >


Divine Priorities

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”—Matthew 6:33 We hear much these days about priorities. A few months ago the word was rarely ever used. To many it was comparatively unknown. The war has brought several new words into common usage which formerly had no particular appeal. It was so in connection with the last war. I recall very well being a witness in a law suit involving a will which was protested by the other side as a forgery. It was supposed to be an instrument conveying … Read More >


Forsaking First Love

“For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved the present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica.”—2 Timothy 4:10 This is about all we know of this man, Demas, but here, in a sense, a spiritual biography is recorded. You do find him mentioned in Philemon and in the epistle to the Colossians. For instance, in that letter to Colosse, Paul says, “Luke the beloved physician salutes thee, so does Demas,” and in that little classic, Paul calls Demas a fellow-laborer, but here, the only other place he is mentioned, we note a spiritual tragedy. “For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved … Read More >


A Lesson On Faith

As we continue our series, “Learning from the Lessons of our Lord,” we come to a lesson on faith from Matthew 15:21–31. This particular incident occurred at a very significant moment in the ministry of our Lord. It had become perfectly clear that as the Messiah of the Jewish people, He was being rejected, His ministry was being refused; and putting together the account of this incident given to us by Matthew and by Mark, we find that He departed, seeking out a house for rest, and went into the coast of Tyre and Sidon. That departure seems to have … Read More >


The Radiant Life

The last Psalm of this second series of five is the 34th and again we find that it links with the one that went before. This previous Psalm has been calling people to worship, to praise Him and the last two verses say, “For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.” And immediately the soul speaks in the next Psalm, “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Notice, this 34th … Read More >

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