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Resources About Brokenness

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Information on how to be broken before God and what He does to help us through our brokenness.


Prayers And Praises

In the 28th Psalm we have God’s remnant people celebrating known deliverance. They had been in difficulty, in trial, and God had intervened and now they are praising Him for it and crying to Him that nothing might arise to hide His face, to make them insensible to His voice, that sin might not come in to mar their fellowship and communion with Him. Notice the opening verse, “Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock: be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.” What … Read More >


Dealing With Anxiety

Living with Anxiety and Winning Someone has said that people live their lives “crucified between two thieves—the regrets of yesterday and the anxieties of tomorrow.” The word worry means ‘to be torn in two.’ And that is exactly what anxiety does—it tears us apart. Our bodies might obediently go in one direction, but our minds are somewhere else. The result is that we live with tension; we cannot sleep and we cannot enjoy the present moment. Worry causes us to work against ourselves and hinders our fellowship with God. Don’t you wish that you could worry say, from 8:00 pm … Read More >


The Lie

How The Greatest Lie Has Become Our Most Cherished Truth The lie will find you; it will come to you in our culture’s views of sexuality, psychology, education, entertainment, politics, and alas, even in the teaching of some churches. The question is: Will you believe it, or expose it for the hoax it is? This is a lie we long to believe; it is a lie that we’ll skillfully adapt in a vain effort to meet our needs and enhance our egos. This lie is our greatest temptation and our culture’s most prized possession. This worldwide lie is not going … Read More >


The Jealousy Of God

Sermon preached at The Moody Church, Sunday morning, January 25, 1953 When I spoke to you about the Christian and worship from the Old Testament story of Abraham and Isaac, I showed you something of what is involved in Christian discipleship: the price a man or woman must pay if they would walk with God and be used by Him. It is left to every individual to make the choice, whether they will walk with God or choose another path. May people who have faced the cost of this kind of thing rather think that it's too big a price … Read More >


The Young Convert's Vision

When Paul saw the glorified Christ, he asked, “Who art thou, Lord?” The question implies much ignorance. Paul does not fully know the glorious being who stands before him, but he is certain of one thing, that He is his Master, as the word “Lord” implies. There was such a kingly majesty in the face and form of Christ that there was no mistaking His lordship. The mighty Saul of Tarsus saw at a glance that he had met the one to whom he could give his allegiance as King to rule his life. And yet Paul in after years … Read More >
