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Changed By The Word

Changed By The Word

  • Format: CD Series

Price: $24.00

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  • CD Series

The Word of God changes the hearts of those who meditate on its teachings and are open to its instructions. It purifies us, comforts us, and strengthens us. It’s our protection against sin; it guides us and enhances our worship.

These messages are intended to bring about a permanent God-pleasing transformation in our lives by teaching us how to meditate and pray on the Scriptures. No matter how much you’ve heard about how to live the Christian life, you need to learn how to feed on God’s Word because if you don’t, whatever you do will ultimately fail.

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer
The Moody Church
Number of Sermons: 
Number of Discs: 
Year Preached: 
Original Sermon Series: 
Changed By The Word

Sermons in this Series:

1. The Word of God Converts Us
2. The Word of God Teaches Us
3. The Word of God Blesses Us
4. The Word of God Transforms Us
5. The Word of God Helps Us Pray
6. The Word of God Has Visited Us