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Between Heaven And Earth

Between Heaven And Earth

Lessons From The Book Of Ephesians

  • Format: CD Series

Price: $65.00

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  • CD Series

The book of Ephesians uniquely captures both the glory of our position in Christ in the heavenlies, and the practicality of real life here on Earth. Pastor Lutzer brings these two worlds together in this series of twenty messages and shares how we can live our lives worthy of our calling.

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer
The Moody Church
Number of Sermons: 
Number of Discs: 
Year Preached: 
Original Sermon Series: 
Between Heaven And Earth

Sermons in this Series:

1. Living in Heaven While Walking On Earth
2. Salvation: Your Choice Or Gods?
3. Bought At High Cost
4. Heaven Guaranteed
5. Learning To Pray God's Will
6. Why Grace Is So Amazing
7. Pulling Together In A World Tearing Apart
8. How God Builds The Church
9. The Mystery Solved
10. The Fullness Of God
11. Walking Together
12. You And Your Gift
13. The Renewing of the Mind
14. Breaking a Stubborn Habit
15. Becoming Like God
16. When the Spirit Has His Way
17. What God Wants Husbands to Know
18. What God Wants Wives to Know
19. God, the Center of Your Vocation
20. Dressed for Battle