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Stories In Grace (Digital Version)

Stories In Grace (Digital Version)

  • Author: Linda H. Dykstra, Ph, D
  • Format: Book

Price: $75.00

Buying Options

  • Book

This is a digital version of the Stories in Grace program which consists of a thumb drive containing a pdf of the print materials and the pre-segmented movie, Magdalena: Released from Shame.

The program itself is divided into two parts. The Teacher’s Preparation section outlines the six-step lesson format and walks the teacher through a sample lesson. Also included in this section is an index of all twenty-four teaching tools as well as the focus and goal for each; a list of Bible verses to be memorized for each lesson, and a “Quick Program Review” of each lesson for easy reference.

The second half of the print file is the Teacher’s Manual which contains all thirty-six lessons in a format that is easy to print. One side of the lesson has the instructions for the teacher, while the other side is the teaching tool (an image) for that lesson.

For more information about Stories in Grace, visit

To order the print version of Stories in Grace, visit


The film used in the program, Magdalena: Released From Shame, is distributed by Nardine Productions, ©2006-2016 Inspirational Films, Inc. Content adapted from other Inspirational Films, Inc. works ©1979-2016. Film and scenes used by permission of The Jesus Film Project®.
