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Information on how to worship and why we worship God.


A Call To Worship

In the 32nd Psalm, David celebrates the blessedness of the man whose transgression is forgiven and whose sin is atoningly covered. We have now in the 33rd Psalm that which should always follow the knowledge of redemption, the heart going out to God in worship and adoration. You remember what the Lord Jesus Christ said to the woman at the well, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. For the Father seeketh such to worship him” (John 4:24-25). Have you ever thought much of that? The Father is seeking worshippers. … Read More >


Treading The Old Paths

The opening address at the Mid-America Keswick Convention delivered by Dr. A.W. Tozer, pastor of Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of Chicago. It has happened many times over the centuries that the church has become so preoccupied with certain vital truths that she has for a time lost sight of other truths fully as important and has allowed them to fall into desuetude and be for all practical purposes wholly lost to the people of God. This has happened in the immediate historic period through which we have just come and the tragic results are now quite apparent. It would … Read More >


The Lord’s Day, Its Privileges And Responsibilities

The Lord’s Day Alliance was organized fifty-three years ago in order to bring before the people of America the importance of preserving the Lord’s day against the encroachments of those who are seeking to turn our Christian Sunday into a continental Sabbath, as they call it—one which would be spent in pleasure and folly. I am very glad to agree to co-operate with the society by speaking this evening on “The Lord’s Day, Its Privileges and Responsibilities.” I will ask you to turn with me to three passages of Scripture, not exactly as texts, but by way of introducing the … Read More >


Mr. Rader's Victorious Life Message

At the Victorious Life Conference, Cedar Lake, June 30, 1917. Mr. Rader chose the 66th Psalm as the Scripture for the Victorious Life Conference, calling special attention to the following suggestive verses. He chose portions of these verses as texts also for the messages which he gave throughout the conference. “Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands: Sing forth the honor of His name; make His praise glorious. He turned the sea into dry land; they went through the flood on foot; there did we rejoice in Him. Which holdest our soul in life, and suffereth not our … Read More >



This word which is translated “Praise ye the Lord,” occurs, as I have counted, twenty-four times in the Book of Psalms, and four times in the nineteenth chapter of Revelation making twenty-eight times altogether in the Bible. In the Psalms it is the Hallelujah of earth and in Revelation it is the Hallelujah of heaven. It is a word which cannot be translated by one word in any other language, and is, therefore, transferred. It is the same in Greek, Latin, German, French, Italian, Dutch and English. It looks as if all nations were practicing for the Hallelujah chorus of … Read More >


The Meaning Of Worship

The most important thing a Christian does is to worship God. Worship is the foundation for everything else we do. As you read Hebrews 11, you discover a progressive spiritual experience in these men of faith. Arthur Pink, the well-known Bible student, points out that in Enoch we have the walkof faith; in Noah, the workof faith; but in Abel—the first man named in Hebrews 11—we have the worshipof faith. Our walk, our work, our witness, all depend upon our worship. And yet worship seems to be the one privilege (and responsibility) that we Christians neglect the … Read More >


How To Make A Success Of The Christian Life

“Then tidings of these things came unto the ears of the church which was in Jerusalem: and they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch. Who, when he came, and had seen the Grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord.”—Acts 11:22-23 I don’t know how many of you have clearly in mind the background of these verses but some years had elapsed since the glorious Pentecostal outpouring when the work of grace began in the city of Jerusalem. Our blessed Lord had instructed … Read More >


Prayers And Praises

In the 28th Psalm we have God’s remnant people celebrating known deliverance. They had been in difficulty, in trial, and God had intervened and now they are praising Him for it and crying to Him that nothing might arise to hide His face, to make them insensible to His voice, that sin might not come in to mar their fellowship and communion with Him. Notice the opening verse, “Unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock: be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.” What … Read More >


Jesus Rebukes Legality

“And it came to pass on the second Sabbath after the first, that he went through the corn fields; and his disciples plucked the ears of corn, and did eat, rubbing them in their hands. And certain of the Pharisees said unto them, Why do ye that which is not lawful to do on the Sabbath days? And Jesus answering them said, Have ye not read so much as this, what David did, when himself was an hungred, and they which were with him; How he went into the house of God, and did take and eat the shewbread, and … Read More >


Music In Worship

The Moody Church Music Ministry is committed to facilitating worship, fellowship, encouragement, and outreach through a balanced program of music that includes expressions of both the ancient and modern, the eloquent and simple, and the familiar and new. We strive to prepare gatherings for worship that are Christ-exalting, life-transforming, and church unifying. Desiring more than just an inspiring or entertaining experience, we gather to hear the Word of God and respond to Him in worship and obedience. We believe that the music we prepare each week is more than just another occasion to sing. As God’s people, we gather to … Read More >

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