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Shepherd Life In Palestine

Message given by Rev. C.W. Slemming, from Bible Testimony Fellowship, London, England. PART I (Taken from The Moody Church News, Volume 35, Number 2) Let us journey with a shepherd of Bethlehem and his flock and see what we can glean from their experiences that will help us to understand the Bible as well as comprehend a little more of the Great Shepherd of the sheep. We will divide our thoughts into three main divisions to help us harness the many experiences and the numerous references. They will be Sunrise, Noonday, Eventide. SUNRISE With the rising of the sun … Read More >


“Public Enemy Number One”

“Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is transgression of the law.” —1 John 3:4 That is the Authorized Version, and of course that is true, but it is not all the truth. The Revised Version and several other translations make it clearer: “Every one that doeth sin doeth also lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness.” You see, sin is not necessarily simply the transgression of the law of God, for where there is no law, still, men sin. Sin is lawlessness. That is, sin is self-will; the will acting in independence of God. Every little while our newspapers … Read More >


The Shepherd Psalm

We are thinking about Psalm 23 in the context of a day in the life of a sheep. In the first verse we see the early start the sheep made; then a pause in the heat of the day. Now the sheep is again on the move as we consider the last part of verse three: “He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” The sheep has just been having a rest, lying down, enjoying still waters and the restoration of quiet in the middle of the day. There is a need for that in the … Read More >


Hiding From God

Over in India a woman stretches high, the full length of her body, and then falls flat on her face in the sand. Marking a little place with her fingertips she again rises to her full height, walks to the place marked in the sand, stretches high in the air, and falls flat on her face. This she continues to do, working, crawling, agonizing her way along hundreds of miles over the hot land. The sun rises, sets, rises again, goes to its zenith, and sets. Day after day she continues this torturous journey until she has covered some twelve … Read More >


Living Under Cover

I take a text this morning which has been a comfort to very many Christians; it is probably marked in all of your Bibles; it is the 11th verse of the 84th Psalm, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.” It is a beautiful thing to think of God as a sun, but it also is a terrible thing. It brings a glow to the heart to think of God as a glistening, warming sun, but it also brings a … Read More >


When We Are Forgiven

Whether we were brought up in a strict home or a lenient home, we all have a conscience. And there’s nothing  we can do about the stain of sin upon our conscience. Time will never obliterate our sin. We need God to do that for us. The story of David is well-known; he committed adultery with Bathsheba. She became pregnant, and then he had her husband, Uriah, killed. For a while, David thought his sin was covered, that he had done what he needed to do to get out of the mess and salvage his reputation. But the cover-up didn’t … Read More >


Palm Tree Christians

“The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.”—Psalm 92:12 There is a rabbinical tradition that this Psalm was composed and sung by Adam in the Garden of Eden to celebrate God’s great power in creation. The thought probably comes from the fourth and fifth verses: “For thou, Lord, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands. O Lord, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep.” But this is only a tradition. It is a fact, however, that for centuries this … Read More >


The Trail Of Tears

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”—Psalm 30:5 It is noteworthy that the Word of God has much to say about weeping—about the matter of tears. You would be a very unusual person indeed if you had never shed a tear, because tears stain the faces of folk in every clime, in every age. There is a certain eloquence to tears. Nor are they necessarily an indication of weakness. Visualize, if you will, the iron Napoleon as he witnessed his seemingly interminable troops marching into the Prussian campaign. Sparkling emotion became liquid on his cheeks. … Read More >


The Altar In The Heart

“I will wash mine hands in innocency: so will I compass thine altar, O Lord.”—Psalm 26:6 There is an altar in the heart of God and there must be an altar in your heart and mine. Throughout the Word of God wherever the altar is found, its ultimate meaning is the altar of Calvary where the Lord Jesus as the Lamb of God was offered for our sin. It is that altar which is in the heart of God. It is that altar which is the heart of the Word of God. It is that altar which is in … Read More >


A Lesson On Prayer

Sermon preached by Pastor Alan Redpath on Sunday, June 15, 1958. Our subject is prayer, and I feel that within Psalm 86 are some fundamental lessons on this great theme that everyone of us needs to learn. It is uncertain when David actually wrote these words; it may have been when he was being hunted by Saul, or maybe when he was betrayed by Absalom. This much I do know it was at a time of great crisis, perplexity and affliction in his life, when he was being sorely tested and tried, when it seemed that but for God he … Read More >

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