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The Birth That Confronts Our Rights | The Baby That Changed The World #1

How do we respond when our rights are repressed, or we’re mistreated? Jesus’ own birth in a humble manger offers a resounding example of giving up one’s rights for others. Pastor Lutzer notices Jesus’ unique posture towards His divine attributes. This innocent, vulnerable baby was on an unstoppable mission—for us.  Learn more with Pastor Lutzer about death and the Christian here. Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes with … Read More >

Blog Post

Give Thanks In Everything

If thanksgiving is God’s will for you, does that mean you should be grateful for difficult circumstances? Pastor Lutzer unpacks how you can truly give thanks…starting today! Don’t give thanks for everything but in everything.Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to "5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer." I'm so glad that you joined us again today and we are going to find out exactly what God's will really is. Sometimes we … Read More >

Blog Post

The Only "Game" That Matters

Perhaps you, like me, were surprised at the final play of last Sunday’s Super bowl game. Pastor Bob Gunter convinced me to root for the Seahawks, and in the final seconds it appeared as if they would win. But they managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of almost certain victory. (Even I know that when you are two feet from the goal line, you run the ball! ☺ A few days later someone sent me an email that put things in perspective: Those who lose a big game need not be defined by the loss. A score is … Read More >

Blog Post

Quiet Hour - Day 202

Thoughts for the Quiet Hour - July 21 Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling: for it is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure. —Philippians 2:12, 13 What a staggering weight of thought is excited by these words! Stay, my soul, and wonder that the Eternal God should stoop to work within thy narrow limits. Is it not a marvel indeed, that He, whom the heavens cannot contain, and in whose sight they are not clean, should trouble Himself to work on such material, so unpromising, and amidst circumstances … Read More >

Blog Post

Quiet Hour - Day 151

Thoughts for the Quiet Hour - May 31 Without me ye can do nothing. —John 15:5 I can do all things, through Christ which strengtheneth me. —Philippians 4:13 Apart from Him we can do nothing. Whilst we are abiding in Him nothing is impossible. The one purpose of our life should therefore be to remain in living and intense union with Christ, guarding against everything that would break it, employing every means of cementing and enlarging it. And just in proportion as we do so, we shall find His strength flowing into us for every possible emergency. We may not … Read More >

Blog Post

The Name That Compels A Choice | The Baby That Changed The World #2

There is no neutrality with Jesus. We mustn’t wait until it’s too late to make the choice we all face—whatever our religion or background. Pastor Lutzer highlights what distinguishes Jesus, the baby born in a lowly manger, from all other world religions. Who will be among those who ultimately bow down before Him?   Learn more with Pastor Lutzer about death and the Christian here. Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome to … Read More >

Blog Post

Should Christians Expect To Suffer? | No Reason To Hide #13

Christians have always been an island of righteousness in a sea of paganism. Amid today’s cultural pressure points, we must rethink our view of suffering for the sake of Christ. Pastor Lutzer offers three incentives for Christians to suffer well. What if Christians don’t have a sympathetic government or the freedom to worship?   Get the brand new book, No Reason To Hide, at Here are all of the ways that you can follow along with 5 Minutes With Pastor Lutzer: On our Podcast via iTunes and Google Podcasts On our Facebook page On our YouTube channel Transcript: Welcome, once … Read More >

Blog Post

Why Did God Make Me Disabled, Different, and Despondent?

Her name is Kourtney. I will tell her story in a moment. First, however, I’d like to explain some theological matters about God’s relationship to those who are born with a disability or with limited giftedness and a perceived lack of physical beauty. What is God’s involvement, if any, in the way each of us was formed, our appearance, or who we would strive to become? Many theologians seek to absolve God of all responsibility for the “mistakes of nature” by posing the argument that because of sin, nature is fallen. Therefore, God has a “hands off policy” about many … Read More >

Blog Post

Sharing the Hope of Christmas

Christmas is a wonderful time of year for most people, but certainly not for all. This is a very difficult time for those who are lonely, depressed, or who feel as if they are “on the outside looking in.” I’m thinking of those who are bereft of family; those who dread a family get-together when relatives are in the same room; those who have lost loved ones whom they especially miss at Christmas … The list of those who find Christmas a painful time of year is longer than most of us realize. So what do we do? We expand … Read More >

Blog Post

Quiet Hour - Day 174

Thoughts for the Quiet Hour - June 23 As thy days, so shall thy strength be. —Deuteronomy 33:25 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. —Philippians 4:13 He will not impose upon you one needless burden. He will not exact more than He knows your strength will bear. He will ask no Peter to come to Him on the water, unless He impart at the same time strength and support on the unstable waves. He will not ask you to draw water if the well is too deep, or to withdraw the stone if too heavy. But neither … Read More >

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