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The World Movements Of Today In The Light Of The Bible

Address at the Second World Conference on Christian Fundamentals, Chicago, May 20, 1920. “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” —Revelation 16:13–14 “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye … Read More >


The Next Great Step Getting Ready For The Coming Of Christ

Opening address of Fifth Annual Missionary Rally, May 27, 1920. What is the next step in getting ready for the coming of the Lord? First of all, if we are going to step at all, we must find out which way is forward. Sometimes when the fire alarm sounds people know help is needed, but they run in the wrong direction. So many of the things the church of Jesus Christ has done on Earth through the years have been in the wrong direction, that it behooves the church of God to be very careful to know the will of … Read More >


Anchored Till Day Break

“And sounded and found it twenty fathoms; and when they had gone a little further, sounded again, and found it fifteen fathoms. “Then fearing lest we should have fallen on the rocks, they cast four anchors out of the stern and wished for the day.”—Acts 27:28–29 Paul had expressed a desire to go to Rome; he is now on his way. He had hoped for a prosperous journey—it’s a perilous journey. The twenty-seventh chapter of Acts records the perils of it. The text chosen brings us to the crisis. They were drifting, and the sensible thing to … Read More >


The Cross: God’s Way Of Redemption

Sermon delivered at The Moody Church by Rev. Carey S. Thomas of Philadelphia, PA. “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish, foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God”—1 Corinthians 1:18. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has not lost its power. It is still the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth. Somehow, we never tire of preaching the Cross of Christ, a crucified Christ. The Gospel of the saving grace works today and it is the only thing that does work. It is the only dynamic of … Read More >


Unto The Uttermost Part Of The Earth

Message by Paul Rader during the annual missionary rally, Wednesday evening, May 30, 1917. We are gathered here tonight representing many mission boards. The Moody Church has no “Missionary Society.” We praise God that all of our societies are missionary; and the men sitting on the platform tonight are from a peculiar kind of missionary societies, not those representing some great foundation, with colossal buildings and expenditures, but representing missions believing in the evangelization of the world, and in pioneering and carrying the Gospel a little further than it has yet been carried. So we are asking God, through the … Read More >


Is Baptism Essential To Salvation?

I am thinking especially of two or three things in connection with this topic. First, is baptism essential to salvation? A great many people think it is, but I want to let the Word of God answer that question. And then if we find that it is not essential to salvation, another question arises: Why then baptize at all? In the next place, I am thinking of a slightly different question: Has water baptism any place at all in this present dispensation of the grace of God or has it been done away with altogether? If not, just what place … Read More >


Where Christ Is All In All

“Wherein...Christ is all in all.”—Colossians 3:11 Christianity is not a cold, dead or not a theory about Christ; it is not a series of ethical statements proceeding from Christ; it is not a system, builded upon the concepts of Christ—Christianity is Christ. Christianity is not a cold, dead organization; it is a living organism, and it could not survive the loss of Christ, its living, vital Head any more than a human body, a living organism, could survive the loss of its head. Herein lies the chief distinction between Christianity and all world religions. Buddhism survive the loss of Buddha; … Read More >


The First And The Last Church

The last verses of the sixth chapter of Acts gives the story of Stephen when he was summoned before the Sanhedrin. He was tried, found guilty and stoned to death for blasphemy. What has this to do with the first and last church? Here was a man who was hounded to death for trying to explain the difference between the first and the last church, and many a preacher has lost his life, financial and denominational, since then trying to explain that same thing. There is the first church and there is the last church, and they are a different … Read More >


A Farewell Message

“As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me, Barnabas and Saul, for the work whereunto I have called them.” —Acts 13:2 I come this morning, I am sure, with a surprise, in a sense, to this audience. For some little time before I left on my trip around the world, there was a discussion as to what my future relationship to The Moody Church should be. At that time I handed in my resignation and then left for the trip. Since I have returned, I have been much in prayer, as has the Committee, … Read More >


The Holy Ghost Said

“The Holy Ghost said.”—Acts 13:2 He speaks. Oh that the Church of today would hear His voice! He is not an influence. He is a Person speaking. In this instance cited, He said, “Separate me Barnabas and Paul for the work whereunto I have called them” (verse 2). The work is in His hands and the men must be also. The work is in His hands still, but where are the separated men? What a wealth of work waits to be done! The fields are white to harvest, but where are the reapers? It is from just such group prayer … Read More >

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