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Resources About Repentance

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Information on repentance and why it's necessary for the Christian life.


Revival—The Kind That Counts

“My soul cleaveth unto the dust: QUICKEN THOU ME according to Thy word.”—Psalm 119:25 “I am afflicted very much: QUICKEN ME, O Lord, according to Thy word.”—Psalm 119:107 “Plead my cause and deliver me: QUICKEN ME according to Thy word.”—Psalm 119:154 These words of Scripture define a true revival. It is a quickening according to God’s Word, not according to some man’s magnetism of eccentricity. A talented evangelist may swoop down upon a community and make a stir by sharp striking sayings, draw large crowds and quicken a kind of interest, but such a quickening may be according to the … Read More >


Preparation For Revival

Notes of a message given on Sunday morning, by Pastor Alan Redpath on October 9, 1955. As we approach another Keswick Convention many of us are deeply concerned that the Lord shall visit us with revival. Our hearts are hungry for Him, and continually the cry goes up to the throne: “Wilt thou not revive us again that thy people might rejoice in thee.” I want to be clear that we understand what we are asking Him to do—not simply to give us converts. Evangelism is one thing; revival is another. Evangelism is the constant duty of the church. Revival … Read More >


The Altar In The Heart

“I will wash mine hands in innocency: so will I compass thine altar, O Lord.”—Psalm 26:6 There is an altar in the heart of God and there must be an altar in your heart and mine. Throughout the Word of God wherever the altar is found, its ultimate meaning is the altar of Calvary where the Lord Jesus as the Lamb of God was offered for our sin. It is that altar which is in the heart of God. It is that altar which is the heart of the Word of God. It is that altar which is in … Read More >



My subject this morning is “Losing,” and my text is a part of the third verse of the second chapter of the second letter to the Thessalonians: “For that day shall not come except there come a falling away first.” There are also four or five verses in the eighth chapter of Jeremiah that I want to use as a backbone of the things I wish to say to you. I want to show how we “lose out”; how we “fall away.” I want to talk very tenderly—as tenderly as I know how, by the power of the Holy Spirit, … Read More >


The Jealousy Of God

Sermon preached at The Moody Church, Sunday morning, January 25, 1953 When I spoke to you about the Christian and worship from the Old Testament story of Abraham and Isaac, I showed you something of what is involved in Christian discipleship: the price a man or woman must pay if they would walk with God and be used by Him. It is left to every individual to make the choice, whether they will walk with God or choose another path. May people who have faced the cost of this kind of thing rather think that it's too big a price … Read More >
