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Resources About Regret

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Information on how to overcome our regrets in life.


The Jealousy Of God

Sermon preached at The Moody Church, Sunday morning, January 25, 1953 When I spoke to you about the Christian and worship from the Old Testament story of Abraham and Isaac, I showed you something of what is involved in Christian discipleship: the price a man or woman must pay if they would walk with God and be used by Him. It is left to every individual to make the choice, whether they will walk with God or choose another path. May people who have faced the cost of this kind of thing rather think that it's too big a price … Read More >


The Trail Of Tears

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”—Psalm 30:5 It is noteworthy that the Word of God has much to say about weeping—about the matter of tears. You would be a very unusual person indeed if you had never shed a tear, because tears stain the faces of folk in every clime, in every age. There is a certain eloquence to tears. Nor are they necessarily an indication of weakness. Visualize, if you will, the iron Napoleon as he witnessed his seemingly interminable troops marching into the Prussian campaign. Sparkling emotion became liquid on his cheeks. … Read More >
