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Resources About Political Correctness

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Information on political correctness and how it has changed (or will change) freedom of religion.


What Went Missing In The Passion Play?

Political correctness is destroying both Europe and America! In 2000, my wife Rebecca and I had the privilege of enjoying the Passion Play in Germany. Recently we returned for this summer’s repeat performance. The Passion Play has been performed in Oberammergau since 1633, when the residents promised to put on a play about Jesus every 10 years if God would rid them of the plague. The plague ended, and their promise has been kept. Today the famous play attracts visitors from all over the world. But there is a problem. The directors of the play have bowed to political correctness … Read More >


The Demise Of Religious Freedom In America

Before I speak about the ominous trends in America to curtail freedom of speech, let me tell you about Dr. Charles H. McVety, president of Canada Christian College in Toronto, whose television program was removed from the air because he had the temerity to preach against homosexuality. Later, he was allowed back on television, but now he has to submit his program to the Canadian Broadcast Standard Council every Wednesday for review by the censors on Thursday, and then, if approved, can be broadcast on Sunday. As far as I know this panel does not rule on programs that are … Read More >
