To Love Again – Part 3 of 3

Lost friends, broken relationships, and vicious betrayals—all lead to deep hurt. People who’ve been wounded have a hard time loving again. In this message, Pastor Lutzer rejoices in Christ, who helps…
Wednesday, May 1

The Blinding Power Of An Offense – Part 1 of 3

After a personal attack, we often build walls to block others out. How do we avoid letting an offense take over our lives? In this message, Pastor Lutzer provides four types of offences Satan uses to…
Thursday, May 2

The Blinding Power Of An Offense – Part 2 of 3

All of us have been offended at one time or another. Do we see that offense wherever we turn—bring it up constantly in conversation? In this message from Romans 12, Pastor Lutzer details the characte…
Friday, May 3

The Blinding Power Of An Offense – Part 3 of 3

Whether we’ve been wronged, or have wronged others, it can keep us from moving ahead spiritually. Reconciliation might seem impossible. In this message, Pastor Lutzer helps us recognize how unresolve…
Monday, May 6

The Challenge Of Raising Cain – Part 1 of 3

Some people can inflict tremendous hurt without feeling any guilt. In the first family, Cain had no sorrow for killing his brother Abel, but was quite worried someone might kill him. In this message …
Tuesday, May 7

The Challenge Of Raising Cain – Part 2 of 3

We are often defensive when someone approaches us with advice. Cain allowed his anger and jealousy to override the counsel given to him, personally, by God—and killed his brother Abel. In this messag…
Wednesday, May 8

The Challenge Of Raising Cain – Part 3 of 3

Whether intentional or not, we’ve all been insensitive towards others. We need the Holy Spirit to point out our sin, showing us how we might’ve hurt others. In this message, Pastor Lutzer shares two …
Thursday, May 9

Brothers At War – Part 1 of 3

Inheritance issues can divide families permanently. Jacob, the younger brother, connived for the birthright of Esau, the older. In this message from Genesis, Pastor Lutzer tells of two incidents whic…
Friday, May 10

Brothers At War – Part 2 of 3

God often humbles us to reconcile us to Himself—and to others. Jacob arrived at his encounter with Esau in humility and great need. In this message, Pastor Lutzer outlines the steps we must take, lik…
Monday, May 13

Brothers At War – Part 3 of 3

Jacob was a cheater, liar, and deceiver. And yet the difference for Jacob was that he did come face-to-face with God. In this message from Genesis 33, Pastor Lutzer notices two vital takeaways about …
Tuesday, May 14

Family Feuds: Seeing God In Injustice – Part 1 of 4

Conflict becomes a way of life—unless the cycle is broken. After Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, he had every right to give in to bitterness. But in this message, Pastor Lutzer observes thre…
Wednesday, May 15

Family Feuds: Seeing God In Injustice – Part 2 of 4

Joseph had every reason to be bitter. And yet, he is a model for us on total forgiveness. In this message, Pastor Lutzer shares the first of five tests which reveal the nature of Joseph’s reactions t…
Thursday, May 16

Family Feuds: Seeing God In Injustice – Part 3 of 4

Family feuds can run for centuries as generations nurse old grudges. But when Joseph was reunited with his brothers, he broke the cycle by refusing to retaliate. In this message, Pastor Lutzer explai…
Friday, May 17

Family Feuds: Seeing God In Injustice – Part 4 of 4

Family feuds can go on for decades. Joseph and his estranged family point the way for those of us trapped in the cycle of retaliation and unresolved conflict. In this message, Pastor Lutzer applies t…
Monday, May 20

Dodging Spears–Part 1 of 3

Narcissists are out to make sure they look better than anyone else. After David was anointed king, Saul wasn’t about to give his kingdom up for anything. In this message from 1 Samuel 10, Pastor Lutz…
Tuesday, May 21

Dodging Spears–Part 2 of 3

How should we respond when someone’s self-absorption is destroying everything around them? Saul’s jealously led him to threaten David’s life. In this message, Pastor Lutzer teaches us three ways to d…
Wednesday, May 22

Dodging Spears–Part 3 of 3

When God deposed King Saul, David was anointed to be king of Israel. But Saul didn’t go quietly. In this message, Pastor Lutzer identifies three lessons David learned from dodging a spear: patience, …
Thursday, May 23

Christians In The Courtroom – Part 1 of 3

If we are taken to court, we certainly have a responsibility and a right to protect ourselves. But too many civil cases involve Christians, in clear violation of the New Testament. In this message, P…
Friday, May 24

Christians In The Courtroom – Part 2 of 3

Jesus never complained when He suffered. But too often we take fellow believers into court over civil matters like money or property. In this message from 1 Corinthians 6, Pastor Lutzer teaches Chris…
Monday, May 27

Christians In The Courtroom – Part 3 of 3

We pray for just verdicts in God-ordained court authorities. But God is the ultimate judge of all evil and injustice. In this message, Pastor Lutzer provides three biblical reasons why suffering wron…
Tuesday, May 28

The High Cost Of Reconciliation – Part 1 of 4

Reconciliation is hard obedience. And all of us have been in some kind of relational mess. In this message from Matthew 18, Pastor Lutzer proclaims four reasons we should reconcile with others. We mu…
Wednesday, May 29

The High Cost Of Reconciliation – Part 2 of 4

People remain divided until someone takes initiative to restore the relationship. What does it take to break the cycle of mistrust? In this message from Matthew 18, Pastor Lutzer gives us seven steps…
Thursday, May 30

The High Cost Of Reconciliation – Part 3 of 4

It’s never easy to confront a Christian who’s sinned. Yet Jesus taught us how to bring a believer back to repentance and fellowship. In this message, Pastor Erwin Lutzer looks at the end game of reco…
Friday, May 31