The Discipline Of Prayer And Fasting Part 2

There are times to feast, holiday times, and times of celebration. But in the plan of God, there are also times to fast. In this message from Joel 2, we identify four results in our hearts from fasti…
Monday, May 1

The Discipline Of Servanthood Part 1

Everybody likes servants as long as they don’t have to be servants. In Paul’s trials, his triumphs, and his testimony, he mirrored Jesus’ servanthood. In this message from 2 Corinthians 6, we review …
Tuesday, May 2

The Discipline Of Servanthood Part 2

In an age of cynicism, oftentimes the Gospel lacks credibility which is often reinforced by the way Christians live. How do we ensure our consciences are clear before God? In this message, we draw th…
Wednesday, May 3

The Future Is Here Part 1

Everyone acts and believes as they please, with hedonism and mysticism thriving. More than ever, the church must love our neighbors and be united. In this message, we detect three ways post-modern th…
Thursday, May 4

The Future Is Here Part 2

Many Christians choose the same movies, music, or versions of “the good life” as the world does. How can we be a distinct witness in a time when everyone has their own intuitions and perceptions? In …
Friday, May 5

Judge Not, That You Be Not Judged Part 1

Jesus did not prohibit judging. In fact, the Scriptures command us to expose error. In our day, error is often mixed with truth, so wise believers must be discerning. In this message from Matthew 7, …
Monday, May 8

Judge Not, That You Be Not Judged Part 2

People who attempt to stay in the realm of neutrality oftentimes have the strongest opinions and judgments. Jesus taught us to not judge a small splinter in someone else’s eye without first removing …
Tuesday, May 9

Judging False Doctrine Part 1

In the marketplace of religious ideas, packaging and marketing often carry more weight than biblical truth. Sadly, sound doctrine is in short supply. In this message, we call out two false principles…
Wednesday, May 10

Judging False Doctrine Part 2

A false gospel might be taught and believed widely. But there is no room for error or mere opinion when our souls are at stake. In this message from Galatians 1, Pastor Lutzer delineates five necessa…
Thursday, May 11

Judging False Prophets And Teachers Part 1

Television and the internet sell what people want to buy. Believers must discern and separate truth from error when listening to any religious teaching on screens. In this message, we’re introduced t…
Friday, May 12

Judging False Prophets And Teachers Part 2

Modern-day false prophets promise blessings without repentance, and prosperity for all who send a gift. Beware of false prophets, who are outwardly like lambs but inwardly they are wolves. In this me…
Monday, May 15

Judging Miracles Part 1

Miracles seem to happen often, and almost everybody wants one. Yet is it possible that these so-called miracles could really be a form of demonic deception? In this message from Matthew 7, we glean f…
Tuesday, May 16

Judging Miracles Part 2

Where is the power of God most evident? Those with discernment know that the power of the Gospel far outweighs the power seen in miracles, signs, and wonders. In this message, we observe two implicat…
Wednesday, May 17

Judging Entertainment Part 1

How much media and entertainment should we let into our homes? We might try to deny our overconsumption or be unsure of what to do. In this message, we follow three tests for the media we allow into …
Thursday, May 18

Judging Entertainment Part 2

At no time in history has entertainment culture invaded the church more than it has today. Addictions and media consumption can drive a wedge between us and God. In this message, Pastor Lutzer provid…
Friday, May 19

Judging Appearances Part 1

How beautiful do we have to be to be happy? Self-loathing and a distorted view of self is damaging to people, especially the next generation. In this message, we learn four implications from our bodi…
Monday, May 22

Judging Appearances Part 2

Physical appearance is over-valued in our culture. Imagine the incredible freedom of accepting ourselves the way God made us. In this message, we recognize three propositions to develop a biblical ph…
Tuesday, May 23

Judging Neo-Paganism Part 1

Occult influence is very real, enshrined in modern philosophies and media. God says we must abstain and abhor every practice that seeks hidden power and knowledge. In this message from Deuteronomy 18…
Wednesday, May 24

Judging Neo-Paganism Part 2

Although astrologists or psychics might seem harmless, our task is to discern the danger. Many people don’t realize the occultic roots or assume the “fantasies” won’t affect us.In this message, we ar…
Thursday, May 25

Judging Conduct Part 1

There are some topics that are either right or wrong. But in between are some matters of debate, issues of conscience in which Christians have legitimate disagreements. In this message from Romans 14…
Friday, May 26

Judging Conduct Part 2

Differences of opinion exist concerning many topics in Christian circles. Paul helps us navigate these disputable matters. In this message from Romans 14, we see three timeless principles of judging …
Monday, May 29

Judging Character Part 1

It’s in great demand, but in short supply. People of integrity are honest and forthright, and they have the reputations to prove it. In this message from Psalm 15, we define integrity through five de…
Tuesday, May 30

Judging Character Part 2

Our world is suffering, and much of it can be traced to an absence of integrity. We need to instill in ourselves and our children the importance of a sound character—of integrity. In this message, we…
Wednesday, May 31