Selected highlights from this sermon
We can never say that God did not give us enough evidence to believe in Him because if we want to find it, the evidence is all around us. Psalm 19 declares the glories of God in three different areas. Each declaration provides deeper evidence that God is real. After seeing the greatness of God in creation and the grace of God in Scripture, we can experience the life of God in our hearts.
Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.
We can never say that God did not give us enough evidence to believe in Him.
God is not hiding from men; men are hiding from God.
Psalm 19 declares the evidence that God is real.
Three revelations of God:
- God reveals Himself to us in creation (Psalm 19:1-6).
- David looked at nature and saw God.
- Creation has been subject to bondage because of Adam’s sin, but it is groaning for the return of the Lord.
- It takes a mind to understand creation, so there must be a mind behind creation.
- Creation shows us that God is a God is wisdom, power, and order.
- God reveals Himself to us in His Word (Psalm 19:7-11).
- God’s creation leads us to God’s Word.
- Scripture tells us God is LORD, Jehovah.
- What the sun is to physical life, the Bible is to spiritual life.
- God’s Word is dependable, can convert people, enlightens the eyes, endures forever, and satisfies the soul.
- Do you find joy in God’s Word?
- Anything in your life that is worth anything comes from the Word of God.
- God reveals Himself to us through salvation in our hearts (Psalm 19:12-14).
- When people cannot see God in creation or the Bible it’s because something is wrong in their hearts.
- People see what they love.
- Creation points to the Bible, and the Bible leads us to Christ.
- After seeing the greatness of God in creation and the grace of God in Scripture, we can experience the life of God in our hearts.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and that glory can be part of our lives if we surrender to Him.