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Make Your Life A Miracle

The Miracle Of A Second Chance

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | December 5, 1976

Selected highlights from this sermon

When we sin, we are pulled away from Jesus. We must allow Him to restore our fellowship with Him. When we are in fellowship with Him, we can enjoy the privileges which come with being a disciple of Christ.

Pastor Wiersbe explains the privileges that could be missing in our lives if we aren’t in fellowship with Jesus.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

When Peter denied Jesus, that sin affected two areas of his life: his fellowship and discipleship with Jesus.

When Jesus restores our fellowship with Him, that restoration is between us and Him.

Christian discipleship means living for, learning from, and walking with the Lord.

Jesus restored Peter to his place of discipleship.

Four privileges of discipleship that Jesus can restore in our lives:

  • The privilege of serving Christ effectively.
    • Sometimes it is harder to wait than it is to work.
    • When God calls us to wait, we should not act without His approval.
    • When we wait on the Lord, He makes our work effective for His purposes.
  • The privilege of knowing Christ intimately.
    • One evidence we aren’t walking closely with the Lord is we don’t recognize Him when He shows up.
  • The privilege of loving Christ more deeply.
    • It’s dangerous when we compare our love for Christ with others.
    • Jesus forgives our sin and shame to bring us closer to Him.
    • Jesus has a sacrificial love for us. How do we love Him?
    • We must grow in our love for the Lord.
  • The privilege of following Christ obediently.
    • Jesus deals with all of our inner man so we can follow Him.
    • We must keep our eyes on the Lord in order to follow Him.

We must allow God to restore our discipleship and fellowship with Him.

The life of a disciple is a privileged life, and we are missing so much without Jesus.

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