Desiring God – Part 2 of 2

When we lose what we love, we feel our true hunger—one that only God can satisfy. King David was a man who knew his only hope was in his God. In this message, Pastor Lutzer delves into the extraordin…
Monday, February 3

Living In The Shadows – Part 1 of 2

Everyone has a conscience: a sense of right and wrong. But ever since the Garden of Eden, we experience shame, hiding, and blaming. In this message from Genesis 3, Pastor Lutzer shows how everyone ha…
Tuesday, February 4

Living In The Shadows – Part 2 of 2

When sin entered the human race, our consciences were defiled. Adam and Eve responded to their shame by trying to cover themselves. In this message from Genesis 3, Pastor Lutzer demonstrates how God …
Wednesday, February 5

It's Not All Your Fault – Part 1 of 2

Much of the shame we carry is our own doing: bad decisions, wrong choices, and the inevitable fallout. But sometimes we carry false guilt, like Tamar’s victimization by her own stepbrother. In this m…
Thursday, February 6

It's Not All Your Fault – Part 2 of 2

Even when we bear shame for something we did not do, the shame is still very real. It shapes our thoughts and actions, and it demands that we live in perpetual guilt. In this message from Isaiah 61, …
Friday, February 7

Becoming That Impossible Person – Part 1 of 2

Narcissists have a broken conscience—in their world, they are always right. When the evil latent in all our hearts is on full display, how do we cope with difficult people? In this message from 2 Tim…
Monday, February 10