The New Testament Part 2 #3 of 4

The drama of redemption began in Eden and ends with a new heaven and a new earth. The enemies of Christ are vanquished, the rebellious are judged, and the redeemed find themselves on streets of gold …
Monday, December 3

The New Testament Part 2 #4 of 4

At the end of all things is a man on a white horse—Jesus, the Lord of all creation. When the last chapter about planet Earth is played out, it will be about Him. The end of the Drama of Redempt…
Tuesday, December 4

The Church In Babylon Interview Part 1

After a long period of nation-wide disobedience, God judged Israel by allowing Babylon to carry them off into captivity. They became a minority in a pagan land, just as Christians are fast becoming a…
Wednesday, December 5

The Church In Babylon Interview Part 2

Character is in short supply in our world. In the Old Testament, Daniel was a man with impeccable character who made a difference while living under Babylonian captivity. He points the way for us who…
Thursday, December 6

The Church In Babylon Interview Part 3

Every day, government pressure mounts on the Christian faith. How should believers respond? We can look to a similar time of hardship long ago for guidance. The place was Babylon, and the minority Je…
Friday, December 7

The Church In Babylon Interview Part 4

Smartphones and computers have now affected most of the world’s population. Loving the convenience, all too many people are now distracted and addicted to the lure of the internet. The snare of…
Monday, December 10

The Church In Babylon Interview Part 5

Confusion about gender identity is frequently in the news, as is the ongoing controversy over illegal immigration. How should the church face issues like transgenderism and refugees entering the coun…
Tuesday, December 11

The Church In Babylon Interview Part 6

Perhaps no political issue is more disputed. The question of immigration has raised controversy in many areas of American life, and our divisions threaten to undo the very fabric of the nation. How s…
Wednesday, December 12

The Church In Babylon Interview Part 7

What is the gospel of Jesus Christ? In our day the issue is clouded because a number of false gospels are preached in many of our churches. We need to be aware of five false teachings confusing many …
Thursday, December 13

Jesus, The Gift Of Light Part 1

With joyful carols filling the air, the Christmas season is upon us. Economy experts paint the season as pivotal for retailers, and many get caught up in the materialistic desires of our culture at t…
Friday, December 14

Jesus, The Gift Of Light Part 2

Jesus said, “People love darkness rather than light.” Light exposes our deeds, but it also illuminates the pathway ahead. In days of darkness and uncertainty, we need the light Jesus brin…
Monday, December 17

Jesus, The Gift Of Light Part 3

The lights of Christmas come down in January. But the light Jesus brings into the hearts of believers can burn brighter every day. Yet sin can quickly conceal that light, so we must be diligent to wa…
Tuesday, December 18

Jesus, The Gift Of Life Part 1

At Christmas, we would rather not think about the end of life. But the eternal life Jesus brought for those who believe means that death is not the end. In one sense, Jesus becomes the beginning of t…
Wednesday, December 19

Jesus, The Gift Of Life Part 2

The life God gives to those who believe in His Son is a life that transforms our inner motivations. Once we believe and are transformed by Christ, we see the world in a whole different light.
Thursday, December 20

Jesus, The Gift Of Life Part 3

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” The life He offers to those who believe is an eternal one. This Christmas let’s be thankful for the life our Savior promises&mda…
Friday, December 21

Jesus, The Gift Of Life Part 4

One of the marks of those who believe in Jesus is joy. This joy goes down deep even in times of sorrow. It comes from having fellowship with the Father and His Son Jesus.
Monday, December 24

Jesus, The Gift Of Love Part 1

“Greater love hath no man, than a man lay down his life for his friends.” That’s what Jesus said, and that’s what He did. There is no greater love than the love of God through…
Tuesday, December 25

Jesus, The Gift Of Love Part 2

The love God bestows through His Son is a love we’re meant to share, even with those who are considered unlovable. Love only works when it’s seen in action, as it was when Jesus gave His …
Wednesday, December 26

Jesus, The Gift Of Freedom Part 1

Jesus said, “Everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.” That’s great news. Freedom is more than not being in jail. Freedom is l…
Thursday, December 27

Jesus, The Gift Of Freedom Part 2

People in deep spiritual bondage are often under the illusion that they are free. Many of the religious leaders of Jesus’ day thought they were free, and they didn’t like being told that …
Friday, December 28

Jesus, The Gift Of Freedom Part 3

Once people find forgiveness and freedom in Christ, they realize how enslaved they once were to the power of sin. Jesus came to deliver people from sin and give them abundant life and joy.
Monday, December 31