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Sermon On The Mount

Turn Your Weapons Into Tools

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | July 31, 1977

Selected highlights from this sermon

Wherever there is life, there is power. Humans can have physical, intellectual, emotional, or spiritual power. We can wield this power in a constructive way, building up those around us, or we can use it to destroy.

Pastor Wiersbe explains how words can change a life, what it means to turn the other cheek, and how to use power as a tool to build.

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Wherever there is life, there is power.

There is physical, intellectual, emotional, or spiritual power.

Power can be constructive or destructive.

We must choose to use power as a tool to build with rather than a weapon to fight with.

Three powers we must put under the authority of the Holy Spirit:

  • The power of words
    • Words can change our life.
    • We can be helped or hurt by words.
    • What you say depends on what you are.
    • Jesus says you cannot separate words from character.
    • We can use our words as tools to build with by speaking the truth in love.
  • The power of our feelings
    • Satan returns evil for good. Humans return evil for evil and good for good. God returns good for evil.
    • When Jesus says to turn the other cheek, we help others see themselves and grow.
    • Take the hurt and fight back with love.
  • The power of our rights
    • Protect your life and your property, but don’t be selfish about it.
    • You are better off to lose money or a right than lose your testimony or character.
    • Jesus lost all of His rights to save us.

Use the powers we have been given as tools to build with instead of weapons to fight with.

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