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Concerning Spiritual Gifts

How To Get The Most Out Of Church

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe | May 25, 1975

Selected highlights from this sermon

Pastor Wiersbe discusses the importance of going to church. During Paul’s day, we see that attending church was a meaningful experience. Today, however, many young people question why we should even bother. Drawing on Paul’s words to answer that question, Pastor Wiersbe explains the purposes, problems, and principles of public worship. 

Transcripts for Dr. Wiersbe's sermons are forthcoming. Below is an outline of his message.

Many young people question why believers need to go to church.

In Paul’s day, attending church was a very meaningful thing.

Church is not a substitute for private devotions or vice versa.

Paul instructs us in public worship.

We can have an enriching experience of worship if we understand three basic truths.

-       We must understand the purposes for gathering together.

  • The first reason the church gathers together is to glorify God.
  • Gathering together is a testimony that Jesus is alive and is coming again.
  • The second reason the church gathers is to edify believers.
  • The third reason the church gathers is to testify to the lost.
  • We win people to Christ by worshiping God and building each other up.

-       We must understand the problems we face in gathering together.

  • We face two problems in the church: competition and confusion.
  • The church in Corinth competed with each other over their spiritual gifts.
  • Paul gave directions for creating order in the church service.
  • There should be beauty in a church gathering, not chaos.

-       We must understand the principles to follow in gathering together.

  • There are four basic principles for the assembly of the saints.
  • We must gather together physically.
  • We must come prepared to share.
  • We must understand spiritual truth.
  • If we don’t understand spiritual truths in the Word of God, we cannot grow.
  • We must submit to the Holy Spirit and Word of God.

When we get to heaven, we will be worshiping God in perfect unity and harmony.

We should start practicing our worship of God here on Earth.

If we struggle to praise God in the easiest place of all, the church, we will not worship Him elsewhere.

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