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Dr. Lutzer Talks About Scripture Memory

Dr. Lutzer was recently interviewed by Linda Weddle on the topic of scipture memory. A few highlights from the article are below, and be sure to check out the entire interview at

I understand you memorized a lot of Scripture as a child. Can you tell us about that?

Yes, I did memorize a great deal of Scripture when I was younger. I promised myself that I would not graduate from Bible college unless I could quote the Book of John and by God’s grace I achieved that. The Christmas before graduation I quoted the entire book in 2 hours and 15 minutes. After that I also memorized Romans, Hebrews, etc.

Do you see Scripture memory as an important component in today’s church?

As I mentioned, Scripture memory is important even if at the time we don’t understand the text very well, or if it doesn’t seem to be immediately applicable. Someone said that when they memorize scripture it is like pouring water through a sieve. But one could argue that even if the sieve doesn’t retain the water, at least it gets cleaned.

What is your favorite verse and why?

My favorite passage is Romans 8:28–39. And within that, I would say that verses 31–35 are among my favorites. The reason is because it reminds me that I stand justified in God’s sight whether I feel like it or not. I have often used these verses to stand against Satan when I have felt a sense of guilt or self-condemnation.

What one or two sentences of advice would you give a parent who desires to raise their child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord?

Of course parents who want to raise their children for the Lord should motivate them to memorize Scripture. One of the best ways to do this is for the parent to be involved in the process. Now perhaps the parent already knows the passage, but if so, he/she must still spend time with the child so that the event actually connects them together. In addition, the parent is modeling Scripture memory and meditation. And speaking of meditation, we should not begin a day unless we have hid something of God’s Word in our hearts and we can think about it the rest of the day.

Read the entire article and find more resources to help you reach your kids and family at

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