The Devil We Abhor Part 2

It’s clear the devil is having a field day. Evil is running rampant. But a day is coming when a long-delayed sentence of doom will be carried out. In this message we’ll hear about Satan&r…
Monday, June 1

The Church We Love Part 1

In Greek, the word is ekklesia, the “called-out ones.” In English, the word is “church,” and if you believe in Jesus, you’re “called out” to be separate from…
Tuesday, June 2

The Church We Love Part 2

One day Jesus will be united with His church at a great marriage supper of the Lamb in heaven. What that will be like is our focus in this message, as Pastor Lutzer wraps up his study of the church i…
Wednesday, June 3

The Future We Anticipate Part 1

The Bible gives tantalizing details about a heavenly kingdom beyond all description, a New Jerusalem with streets of gold. In this message we begin a final chapter in “What We Believe,” a…
Thursday, June 4

The Future We Anticipate Part 2

The return of Jesus to this earth will be the event of all time. When He comes, He will take control. And those who have loved and served him will be raised from the dead to greet him. Let’s he…
Friday, June 5

Lie #1: Judas Did Jesus A Favor Part 1

A few years ago an ancient “Gospel of Judas” document surfaced. Its purpose: to tell us about the “real Jesus.” In this document, Judas is a hero, and Jesus is a fanciful bein…
Monday, June 8

Lie #1: Judas Did Jesus A Favor Part 2

The sad story of Judas reminds us that “Satan walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour…” Some say Christians cannot be demon-possessed. But others say they still…
Tuesday, June 9

Lie #2: Jesus Is One Among Many Part 1

When blindly following their leader, lemmings walk right off a cliff. Many people today are heading for an eternal cliff. These people place their faith in the teachings of modern prophets and gurus&…
Wednesday, June 10

Lie #2: Jesus Is One Among Many Part 2

The idea of “only one way to God” seems narrow-minded to many people. It is a common belief that all roads lead to heaven. But God has revealed one and only one way to Himself and that is…
Thursday, June 11

Lie #3: Jesus Became The Christ Part 1

Some say that the Jesus who changed history was a just a man around whom many legends developed after his death. They say His disciples invented all sorts of stories to turn a simple teacher into the…
Friday, June 12

Lie #3: Jesus Became The Christ Part 2

Why do people tell lies? Usually, because they have something to hide. And deep down, all of us have sin to hide. People are telling new lies about Jesus these days—lies that hide their need fo…
Monday, June 15

Lie #4: Jesus Has A Dark Side Part 1

People with a troubled past are said to have “skeletons in their closet.” Some say that Jesus has a big one in His. Some who look at the life of Jesus cannot accept any supernatural facto…
Tuesday, June 16

Lie #4: Jesus Has A Dark Side Part 2

The Bible is clear: Jesus was born of a virgin and had no earthly father. In terms of salvation, that’s critical. The sinful nature we all share was never passed on to Jesus, so He could then b…
Wednesday, June 17

Lie #5: Jesus Escaped The Crucifixion Part 1

Conspiracy theorists tout all kinds of wild schemes and fill the internet with their blogs. For some time, the theory has circulated that Jesus did not die on the cross—He merely fainted and wo…
Thursday, June 18

Lie #5: Jesus Escaped The Crucifixion Part 2

In our day, few people see sin as a big deal. They dismiss sin as simply “mistakes.” Many people will do anything to avoid the horror of the cross of Christ. Only that sacrifice removes t…
Friday, June 19

Lie #6: The Bones Of Jesus Have Been Found Part 1

We hear it frequently: a new archeological find supposedly “disproves” the biblical account. Some have even claimed that the bones of Jesus and His family have been found. However, these …
Monday, June 22

Lie #6: The Bones Of Jesus Have Been Found Part 2

The truth of the resurrection of Jesus is so transforming that its enemies will do anything to suppress it. Thus, some clam that the bones of Jesus have been found in an old box. In this message, our…
Tuesday, June 23

Let God Redeem Your Story Part 1 #1

Sexual abuse does terrible damage. Relationships all throughout the victim’s life suffer due to early experiences children should never have. But there’s hope for the abused, and even for…
Wednesday, June 24

Let God Redeem Your Story Part 1 #2

When the young are sexually abused, psychological scars are left that may never be healed. One common experience is grief—that gnawing sadness that’s always just below the surface.
Thursday, June 25

Let God Redeem Your Story Part 2 #1

To understand why people become sexual abusers, we need to understand the “why” of dysfunctional families. First, we look at a Bible family scandalized by abuse and its damage. Then, we&r…
Friday, June 26

Let God Redeem Your Story Part 2 #2

Those who have a conscience can feel shame: that sense of embarrassment when caught in a sinful act. But there’s also the painful shame that victims of sexual abuse bear, that isn’t their…
Monday, June 29

Let God Redeem Your Story Part 3 #1

Philosophers have long wrestled with the root cause of evil. One major cause is our enemy Satan, who seeks to destroy in any way he can. And yes, people can be influenced by the devil to perpetrate e…
Tuesday, June 30