You're About To Inherit It All Part 2

When Christians read the Bible, they discover amazing blessings they’ll inherit as children of God. Our outlook on life becomes an uplook when we realize what lies ahead. What will we inherit b…
Friday, February 1

You Own A Certificate Of Acquittal Part 1

A death-row inmate faces a grim future, but sometimes, a governor will commute the sentence. In a moment, the man’s outlook leaps from despair to joy. All of us deserve a spiritual death senten…
Monday, February 4

You Own A Certificate Of Acquittal Part 2

Does confessing your sins over and over secure a place in heaven? No, it doesn’t. But when we understand justification by faith, we can have certainty about our future home. Let’s rejoice…
Tuesday, February 5

You Are Assured Of Triumph Part 1

They’re among the most soaring words ever penned—the words the Apostle Paul used to conclude Romans chapter eight. Here he lists all the things that cannot separate us from the love of Go…
Wednesday, February 6

You Are Assured Of Triumph Part 2

It’s great to know that nothing can separate you from the love of God, not even your own death. Only a Christian can face the worst life has to offer and know it’s but a steppingstone to …
Thursday, February 7

The Battle For Your Heart Part 1

The more we are online and in front of a screen, the greater the chance of becoming addicted to moral perversity. The danger is very real, and the evidence is everywhere. Let us think carefully about…
Friday, February 8

The Battle For Your Heart Part 2

As sinners in the midst of this internet age, it’s no surprise that immorality is rampant. How should Christians protect themselves from the media onslaught shouting from their computers, phone…
Monday, February 11

The Seductive Power Of Desire Part 1

In terms of moral temptation, we’re all in the same boat. Whether in the church or not, all of us are prone to moral sins, and the access to media makes sinning easy. We are all vulnerable to t…
Tuesday, February 12

The Seductive Power Of Desire Part 2

We need proactive steps we can take to break the stranglehold technology has on us. Here are three such steps from James 4, steps we must take to be free from the seductive call of the internet&rsquo…
Wednesday, February 13

Loving The World, Loving God Part 1

First John 2 says, “If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” Here is a look at the great divide we all face, as the media and the internet assault us with a delug…
Thursday, February 14

Loving The World, Loving God Part 2

With technology seemingly omnipresent, how should believers renounce the love of the world? Should we permanently unplug from the internet? Should we toss out our phones and TVs? Let’s take ano…
Friday, February 15

What Grace Teaches Us Part 1

Some people text all day every day, and social media is replacing real face-to-face communication. Is there a relationship between our addiction to technology and the rapid breakdown in morality? The…
Monday, February 18

What Grace Teaches Us Part 2

Many believers are bound in moral sins—sins made easy by anonymous internet access to pornography. Only the truth of God’s Word will convince us to make right choices rather than follow a…
Tuesday, February 19

Discernment, Discipline And Discipleship Part 1

Christians are torn. Do we abandon technology we can’t live without and become isolated from the culture? Or do we risk exposure to violence and sexual images while trying to engage the world w…
Wednesday, February 20

Discernment, Discipline And Discipleship Part 2

The Bible bluntly says, “Touch no unclean thing.” In the midst of our technological age which is filled with sensuality, we must take bold steps and make choices that honor God. It matter…
Thursday, February 21

The High Cost Of Sexual Purity Part 1

There’s a good reason why the Bible tells us to guard our hearts. We must consider the mind of a sexual addict to see what leads someone there, and then prescribe steps we should take to preven…
Friday, February 22

The High Cost Of Sexual Purity Part 2

We’re all susceptible to moral sin. And with the internet, we’re more vulnerable than ever. Our entire culture is sinking into a pit of moral decay. The issue is serious, and it demands a…
Monday, February 25

A Faith That Risks Part 1

Some people say they have faith, yet their lives show little evidence of it. Others who have faith are willing to take risks to live out that faith. In this message we focus on this latter kind of fa…
Tuesday, February 26

A Faith That Risks Part 2

When our faith in God is genuine, it causes us to make choices in God’s favor. We willingly take the risk of being alienated from those around us when we choose God’s way over that of the…
Wednesday, February 27

A Faith That Endures Part 1

Some wonder what good it is to have faith in God when He never seems to answer their prayers. Many lose what faith they have and give up on God altogether. In this message we look at the heroes of fa…
Thursday, February 28