Paths To Addiction Part 1

Like those stuck in quicksand, runners in life’s race cannot win if they’re caught up in addictions of any kind. In this message, we’ll trace the roots of addiction, then point the …
Monday, December 3

Paths To Addiction Part 2

Addictive behavior always starts with small steps that lead to bigger steps. Soon, the addict is trapped. If you find yourself addicted to substances, or to destructive habits, there is a way to rejo…
Tuesday, December 4

Let Me Control Your Life Part 1

Some people are so consumed with their own importance that they seek to control the lives of those around them. In this message, we turn the light of Scripture on the lives of so-called “contro…
Wednesday, December 5

Let Me Control Your Life Part 2

Control freaks are obsessed with themselves. By subjugating others, they seek to elevate their own importance. Such people become evil, as did King Saul of Israel. In this message, we’ll trace …
Thursday, December 6

The Healing Power Of The Light Part 1

Under cover of darkness, criminals steal, kill and destroy. But the light cuts the darkness like a knife. It reveals that our hearts are full of deception, even if we are not convicted criminals. In …
Friday, December 7

The Healing Power Of The Light Part 2

Coming clean before God has infinite rewards, including being able to run life’s race without the weight of accumulated sin. In this message, we turn to the book of First John and learn what is…
Monday, December 10

A Bad Man Made Good Part 1

Many philosophers believe that good and evil naturally coexist in humans, fighting for ultimate control. The Bible paints a different picture, one of a basic depravity that can only be remedied by th…
Tuesday, December 11

A Bad Man Made Good Part 2

We cannot win in life’s race without agreeing with God about our basic condition. We need His grace, not to supplement our goodness, but to save us from our depravity. In this message, we hear …
Wednesday, December 12

He Redeems The World Part 1

Over two thousand years ago Jesus was born in a small country in the Middle East. That birth became the turning point between BC and AD. But another child was born first, a forerunner of Jesus, whose…
Thursday, December 13

He Redeems The World Part 2

Jesus did not appear on earth without advance notice. Many Old Testament prophecies foretold his arrival. In the New Testament, we find an amazing prophecy given just before His birth through a man n…
Friday, December 14

He Confounds The World Part 1

The world neither understood nor welcomed the arrival of Jesus. The things He said caused bickering and strife among those opposed to changing their ways. In this message, we look at an amazing revel…
Monday, December 17

He Confounds The World Part 2

When you read the words of Jesus, you find some radical sayings that confounded the people of His day. His mother Mary had insight into the effect her son would have, and she spoke about this in her …
Tuesday, December 18

He Divides The World Part 1

When light comes, darkness scatters. The brightness of Jesus made clear the blackness of sin, and those who encountered Him either repented or rebelled. This was prophesied by an old man in the Templ…
Wednesday, December 19

He Divides The World Part 2

Most of us are glad we don’t know the trials tomorrow will bring. But Mary knew that pain was in her future even before her son grew up. Jesus would divide people, and that division would run r…
Thursday, December 20

He Was Not Of This World Part 1

At Christmas we celebrate much more than gifts and good cheer. Believers in Jesus know He came into a world of woe. Born in a humble stable, this baby grew up to be the Savior of the world.
Friday, December 21

He Was Not Of This World Part 2

Most people like the lights, the decorations and the gifts of Christmas. But why do believers celebrate Christmas? We may enjoy lights and gifts, but we celebrate because Jesus renounced the glories …
Monday, December 24

Lots Of Space, But No Room

Christmas is a special time of the year, but why do we celebrate Christmas in the first place? During this holiday season, take a few minutes with Pastor Erwin Lutzer, and consider Christmas from a d…
Tuesday, December 25

The Manger And The Sword Part 1

While Christians can now enjoy the benefits of the Savior’s birth, life, death and resurrection, there was one person who felt great pain when He came. In this message, we seek to understand th…
Wednesday, December 26

The Manger And The Sword Part 2

December 25th was not the day Jesus was born, but it is the date set aside for us to honor that birth. For Mary His mother, that birth began a long period of pain and sorrow, a personal toll we seldo…
Thursday, December 27

Praying With Christ One Hour Part 1

If you visit Gethsemane, you can see the ancient olive trees. It is a place for tears. There in the garden, Jesus asked the disciples to pray with Him. They fell asleep, causing the Savior to ask, &l…
Friday, December 28

Praying With Christ One Hour Part 2

In Gethsemane, Jesus roused His sleeping disciples, asking, “Could you not pray with Me one hour?” In this message, each of us is asked the same question. Will we covenant to set aside on…
Monday, December 31