Making A Difference Where You Are Part 3

It’s all too easy to get lost in the internet’s infinite links and forget that our kids are growing up in a culture that wants to corrupt their souls and create addicts to immorality. Her…
Friday, February 1

D. L. Moody A Hero Of Faith Part 1 #1

Over a century ago, Dwight Lyman Moody sought opportunity by moving west from Boston to Chicago. He came to make his fortune, but God had bigger plans. Moody ended up founding both The Moody Church a…
Monday, February 4

D. L. Moody A Hero Of Faith Part 1 #2

Over a century ago, Dwight Lyman Moody sought opportunity by moving west from Boston to Chicago. He came to make his fortune, but God had bigger plans. Moody ended up founding both The Moody Church a…
Tuesday, February 5

D. L. Moody A Hero Of Faith Part 1 #3

Some say meeting the needs of the poor is best left to the government. Not D. L. Moody. He took the Gospel to the most impoverished parts of 19th century Chicago, leaving a legacy of service and of d…
Wednesday, February 6

D. L. Moody A Hero Of Faith Part 1 #4

The Moody Church was named after Dwight Lyman Moody, a shoe salesman from Boston. He was a man who heard the call of God to be a man whom God could use without limit. He began this church in 1864, an…
Thursday, February 7

D. L. Moody A Hero Of Faith Part 2 #1

How is it that a shoe salesman with a grade-school education could eventually preach to enormous crowds on two continents? The only explanation is that God chose to use D. L. Moody to reach vast mult…
Friday, February 8

D. L. Moody A Hero Of Faith Part 2 #2

When we think of great evangelists, many point to Billy Graham. But in the 1800s, another man grabbed the attention of people both in America and in England. D. L. Moody transfixed huge crowds for we…
Monday, February 11

D. L. Moody A Hero Of Faith Part 2 #3

God’s power is not ignited in a man or woman by education or upbringing. It’s set on fire by the Holy Spirit. God chooses whom He will use to advance His kingdom. One man He chose was Dwi…
Tuesday, February 12

Red Flags You Probably Missed Part 1

There is no doubt that many marriages are in trouble. And not just because it’s being redefined by our media and culture. In many cases, people got married despite clear warning signals that th…
Wednesday, February 13

Red Flags You Probably Missed Part 2

The desire for marriage prevents some people from being realistic about their relationship. After the wedding, the faults of Mr. Perfect and Miss Wonderful are finally revealed. In this message we le…
Thursday, February 14

Red Flags You Probably Missed Part 3

The starry eyes of engaged couples often fail to see serious character flaws that can erupt after they tie the knot. They might assume they can work out any unexpected issues after the honeymoon. But…
Friday, February 15

Red Flags You Probably Missed Part 4

Too many marriages are like two ships passing in the night. You share the same ocean, but the emotional connection has been lost. The Bible tells couples how to care for one another. Only then is the…
Monday, February 18

Moving Beyond Your Past Part 1

In a perfect world, marriages begin and end in blissful happiness. But all of us bring baggage into our relationships, and those pasts can do great damage when they’re uncovered after the weddi…
Tuesday, February 19

Moving Beyond Your Past Part 2

To some degree, all of us are damaged goods. We’ve all got a past that’s not perfect. Making a marriage work between two imperfect people means each spouse must accept responsibility for …
Wednesday, February 20

Moving Beyond Your Past Part 3

Many bear enormous burdens from decisions they desperately wish they could undo. Keeping dark secrets from your mate takes a toll on your mind and heart, and only by coming clean can the past be face…
Thursday, February 21

Moving Beyond Your Past Part 4

When it comes to feelings about past injustice, we must release all bitterness. In a marriage, peace only comes after releasing our terrible memories into God’s hands. Forgiving your mate can h…
Friday, February 22

The Puzzle Of Your Roles Part 1

While gender activists want to equalize everything between men and women, there are fundamental differences they can’t erase. In fact, men and women are made differently, and we have different …
Monday, February 25

The Puzzle Of Your Roles Part 2

They say hindsight is 20/20. The trouble is, you can’t look back before saying “I do” at the altar. Marriage puts two people together whose initial love overshadows profound differe…
Tuesday, February 26

The Puzzle Of Your Roles Part 3

There are natural differences that set men and women apart to complement each other in a marriage relationship. These differences are built into us, and can be seen in Adam and Eve, the first couple.…
Wednesday, February 27

The Puzzle Of The Will Of God Part 1

When tough times begin, some wonder if their marriage was a big mistake. Christians may think they married out of God’s will when the struggles really mount. In this message we’ll learn h…
Thursday, February 28